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Everything posted by dta1984

  1. Agreed. I tried to make this statement yesterday, some people just don't want to hear it or lack comprehension.
  2. So you can't take a step back and actually see that it is a valid point on how unhealthy the country is and just maybe that does contribute?
  3. You really need to re read some of the thread then, it's very telling where the finger pointing is coming from.
  4. It's great to see him recovering. Also great to see the progress we have made in treatment compared to where we were 6 months ago.
  5. Aren't these items one would do to improve their overall health? Being healthy certainly improves your odds vs stuffing your face with the typical american fast food diet.
  6. Lol dude, just re read what I was quoting and take a deep breath. I am not clinging to anything. Hoosier said masks could have been pushed earlier on. I said we were told we don't need them early on FOR WHATEVER REASON....
  7. Easy there turbo. The fact is, we were still told masks would not help prevent the disease early on. Whatever the reasoning is behind that is irrelevant to my point. There have been so many mixed messages, which is partly to blame for the confusion some still have.
  8. So are you saying that all of our "experts" said masks were not necessary just so there wouldn't be a shortage? Edit;. To add "early on they were saying this"
  9. Just curious, what would you propose the federal government do? Most individual states are enforcing masks, distancing etc.
  10. It's a shame how political things have become. Even this thread is a disaster for a weather board. It was an impossible and unprecedented situation he was in.
  11. True, being someone at higher risk, he should fear covid.
  12. No that wasn't the issue. There were all kinds of people saying they weren't effective early on. Alot of mixed messages.
  13. Exercise, diet and vitamin D would have been better recommendations.
  14. Wasn't the early direction that masks are only needed if you're infected?
  15. Agreed on the Biden part. Point is, anticipating or wishing death on someone should be more severe and an automatic comment removal. Cam Newton has covid, should we start posting rip for him?
  16. To clarify it was not the ripping I was referring to...RIP were the comments.
  17. So a comment about biden gets removed, but we keep comments talking about RIP to our president up?
  18. Agreed, there are some out of hand comments in here.
  19. We have definitely had great weather the past several weeks. Perfect to get outdoors and enjoy before winter gets here. Leaf changing is underway, hoping for great colors this year.
  20. That's just how the media is with everything going on (political etc). It's used to fuel a certain feeling one way or another. It's always good to do your own research.
  21. It really is amazing how the levels of concern vary so much. We've traveled a bit lately, and been to places where it seems covid doesn't exist (and their numbers show), and then others where it's full on panic.
  22. A quick glance at recent strong nina years yields normal to above here. Maybe other parts of the state.
  23. Ya we drove home up 71 through the majority of it yesterday. The real heavy rain started around Mansfield. We definitely needed the rain, but it seems to come in large batches lately.
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