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Everything posted by dta1984

  1. It's not off topic. Making a healthy lifestyle choice can start at any time. Why not now? Never been a better reason to. We don't know how long covid is around for.
  2. Good to see people traveling and out spending money again On Friday, the number of travelers screened at US airport security checkpoints topped 1 million for only the second time since March, https://abc13.com/thanksgiving-travel-aaa-tsa-air/8171417/
  3. I realize he is an easy target right now, but what would you like him to do? Your governor is the one to mandate masks, stay at home orders, open/close indoor dining bars etc. A stimulus package should be the top priority for congress.
  4. You don't like it then gtfo. They were grossly missused, the issue.
  5. You numbskull, you said they were exaggerating nyc. I posted about field hospitals which did sit mostly empty. That is a fact. They were terribly misused and that is well documented. "Red tape and poor communication between city, state and federal officials led to the field hospital as well as the Navy's deployed hospital ship, the USNS Comfort, sitting largely empty while public hospitals in the city reported crowded conditions and overwhelmed staff." “I basically got paid $2,000 a day to sit on my phone and look at Facebook,” Katie Capano, a nurse practitioner from Baltimore who worked at the center, told the Times. “We all felt guilty. I felt really ashamed, to be honest.” https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/508303-new-york-city-spent-52-million-on-coronavirus-hospital-that-served-79
  6. Nice unintelligible response, but it's a fact.
  7. O ya, they set up the field hospitals that sat empty.
  8. Speaking of Cali, that's just poor leadership. What a clown show https://nypost.com/2020/11/18/photos-show-california-gov-newsom-at-maskless-party/
  9. Denmark study that was referenced earlier
  10. Yep, several here seem to be losing it lately. May be wearing masks too tightly sitting in front of the keyboard alone..
  11. Looks like it was more focused on if a mask prevents the wearer from getting sick. Didn't read it all. A total of 3030 participants were randomly assigned to the recommendation to wear masks, and 2994 were assigned to control; 4862 completed the study. Infection with SARS-CoV-2 occurred in 42 participants recommended masks (1.8%) and 53 control participants (2.1%).
  12. Exactly! Sad stuff. Too many people scream lockdown without thinking it through.
  13. More on how lockdowns cause more harm than good. Directly from the Ohio governor; @GovMikeDeWine: When we shut things down in the spring, we saw child abuse reporting going down b/c teachers generally report abuse. We saw a spike in mental health problems. We saw a spike in overdoses, we think because people took drugs alone and there was no one there to call 911.
  14. Rough in Michigan Agree with this; I understand there’s a pandemic, and I understand it’s very scary. I’m scared of it too. If you are at risk, do not leave your house until there’s a vaccine. But shutting down all these small businesses, things that people have worked their life for, shutting them down again is not the answer. Because they will not make it. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/matthew-staffords-wife-kelly-rants-about-covid-19-rules-im-over-living-in-a-dictatorship-we-call-michigan-185600459.html
  15. PA with an indoor mask order. Ya that'll go over well. We need to flatten the curve! Lol https://www.wpxi.com/news/top-stories/pa-health-secretary-issues-new-order-making-mask-wearing-required-indoors-even-if-you-are-physically-distant/WRPE6BA4S5GK5IR4EFWLN4ZXIE/
  16. Lol Ohio now has a curfew, but with a ton of exceptions (groceries, food, gas, work etc). Makes little sense. No parties I suppose.. Corona is out to get you past 10pm.
  17. Ya nice to see everything snow covered. I've got 1.75" on the deck. Got a nice burst at the moment.
  18. Um nope, never mentioned anything about special rights. I agreed with the comment that a segment of people want the government to hold their hand.
  19. Lol love this! Alot have demonstrated already that they can't think for themselves. It's sad.
  20. Uh maybe not be in a house with that many people. Go to a bigger house to spread out if you have to ? Wear your mask, you'll be fine.
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