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Everything posted by Cyclone-68

  1. Flabbergasted but I probably shouldn’t be. It’s the right move
  2. The dispensary in Rockland MA is great. People are nice and they treat you right
  3. Apologies I failed “How to Embed 101” Eric Webb @webberweather · 4h Verbatim that z500a configuration isn't far off from potentially presenting a problem for either Atlantic Canada & perhaps New England if it were to shift west/amplify. Plenty of time to watch though.
  4. Remember we were bone dry just a couple of summers ago? It felt like it was never going to rain again (apologies to the Cape and up north)
  5. Speaking for only myself I love summer. When I eventually retire it’ll be to a warm climate with lots of storms in the summer.
  6. An EF2 a day makes the boredom go away….
  7. I’m hoping that tropical wave coming off of Africa might be worth a follow with nothing else going on
  8. I posted this earlier but really captures the calm before the storm. Note the folks out taking pictures (for insurance reasons I gather) https://www.earthcam.com/usa/louisiana/neworleans/bourbonstreet/?cam=catsmeow2
  9. Here a webcam if anyone is interested: https://www.earthcam.com/usa/louisiana/neworleans/bourbonstreet/?cam=catsmeow2
  10. Gotta find some good webcams facing into the Gulf
  11. Yeah I don’t mean to sugarcoat it too much . You’re 100% right but during the daytime it’s a lot of fun. Just keep an eye on the homeless folks and always walk in groups.. But also, beignets!
  12. Couple of thunderstorms just popped to my northwest
  13. So this storm managed to do in a single hour what Henri couldn’t accomplish in 3 days
  14. Nice little storm on the south west coast of RI right now
  15. Compared to the potential energy of Henri which was that of a sick asthmatic ant
  16. New Orleans for all its troubles is a very fun place to visit and the people are top notch. I hope they get past this
  17. It’s great when they do make it through. It’s like winning the lottery. But to win the lottery you probably have to play and lose 200x first..
  18. Some Caribbean home brew would be a nice remedy for the “blahs”
  19. Give me home grown instead of having to sweat every trough pulling a storm north in the Atlantic every day for two weeks
  20. How does New Orleans come back from this (if they do at all?)
  21. Exactly why should the Gulf have all the excitement….. j/k
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