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Everything posted by weatherpruf

  1. Indeed, for big storms yes. Not sure if 96 was in that camp. But I prefer years like 94 or 2014 with lots of smaller but decent events. Those two footers are hard to deal with for me. Not that I don't enjoy the hell out of them.....95-96 was a rare year with both lots of smaller events and one huge one, 2010-11 would have been but winter was over mid-Feb.
  2. It was actually Flavor Aide that was used at Jonestown, but we get the drift....
  3. I've basically been on the low end of most of the storms in recent years, with Jan 2016 being the exception. The Jan 82 storm was the infamous one that brought down the plane into the Potomac in DC.
  4. Bring it. Bought a new craftsman single stage, which should be lighter and easier to move than my big MTD 2 stage.
  5. I think that makes a difference. It got cold in Oct this year and I got up to go fishing a few times and changed my mind. WHen younger I routinely fished most of the winter, of course there were a lot more fish around back then and it didn't cost a fortune. A lot harder to brave the cold at sea when you will drowning bait most of the day.
  6. Jan 87 had a big event that crippled parts of NJ, not sure how it played out out your way. And 82 had the Jan storm and the freak April blizzard.Then really nothing special from 88-93. I remember the Newark Star Ledger with a headline in 91, What happened to snowstorms?
  7. Hey, they usually do. In the best winters more falls.
  8. Biggest storm of the winter, but we had a lot of decent events later on.
  9. 8-10 and I believe another storm hit further south right after but left us relatively unscathed.
  10. The Jan 87 storm took the cake for me....wall of snow, starting around 10 am after everyone was at work and school, then everyone getting out by 1pm and snarling the roads. Visibility was so bad I could not figure out where I was, and just followed the tail lights in front of me. People abandoned their cars on the highways to the extent the state police had them impounded. Since it came during a relatively snowless decade no one knew how to drive in the stuff anymore nor did anyone expect a near blizzard. It was a mess.
  11. There are some nasty people that come on here at times during storms. I am resolving not to engage them or respond to their insults this year. When things get going I will try to stay to banter and observation forums because I am not well versed in the minutiae and the science and that irritates some folks. But I learn a lot here and enjoy sharing with other insane people who happen to like a good snowstorm. I always look at Anthony, who never gets ruffled when someone throw a barb at him.
  12. Looks like you take the prize, though my BIL in ME is expecting 8, and already has 6 otg from the other day. Well, it's Maine....
  13. Well, as a public employee, you should understand the frustration we have of dealing with diminishing resources and then being blamed that things aren't done the way people want. Do you know how much grief we get in the school district when we do early dismissal? Or when we don't? I am thankful these folks are out there risking their lives for the taxpayers right now. We did not have an early dismissal from school where I work. It wasn't bad enough and wasn't expected to be. There was no good reason by 11 am to call school early in my area. The fact that we got hammered at around 3-4 pm wasn't forecast by any source I looked at. I understand your frustration, but there is always more to it than people think. Peace.
  14. Is there an inside joke I'm missing? Who was the oil tycoon?
  15. PSV is a respected poster who has been here for years. That was kinda harsh.
  16. How much did you get int hat storm? It was about 3-5 over here; Freehold was the jackpot.
  17. This kind of thing was SOP back in the 80's and even the 90's. We had some real disasters in 94 with rare ice storms and such. BUt even today with all the better forecasting techniques we still get blindsided, getting 4 inches when we expect 2 feet and 6-7 when expect 1"
  18. As a public employee, I am asking you what you would have done. A call for a minor event at a time of year when it is extremely rare for more populated areas to see significant snow. I am not going to fault the state workers on this one. It's not like they enjoy watching people suffer. And they are out there now trying to make things better. Maybe not succeeding, but trying. Let's cut em a break.
  19. We were expecting, at worst, 1-3 inches. Streets were pretreated. Salt trucks were on route one and nine early on. This storm hit with more intensity than expected and at the worst possible time.
  20. Well it isn't like we were expecting over two feet, which one recent governor didn't think was worth staying in town for......in fact, quite a few of us were expecting hardly anything. As a meteorologist on CBS just said, we weren't expecting the early intensity.
  21. This storm has delivered more than all but one late March storm last year for me.
  22. Yeah, still less. And i don't live in the wealthy burbs. I'm right across the river from SI.
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