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Everything posted by weatherpruf

  1. This is important work, and thanks for posting the abstract for nonscientists like me. My understanding, correct me please if I'm wrong, is the MJO is getting stronger due warming ocean temps, and this has global impacts, which they don't spell out in the abstract, but I think there are implications, ones that don't favor a lot of snowfall in these parts. Maybe.
  2. Oh I get it. I love snowstorms, but it can be a drag cleaning it up, even with a snowblower. This year I bought a smaller more maneuverable one because I have difficulty with the big one; the kids are older and have cars and I can't negotiate the small spaces easily. Of course it won't snow now, but as my snow hating friends say, that's a good thing. Mainly I think most of us like the way the scenery looks when it snows, but when you have young drivers and spouses who have to drive in it, your perspective is different. As I worked in schools for 30 years, most of the time I was off when it snowed, except when I taught in ELizabeth, where every winter they sent home a notice saying basically since no one gets off in Minnesota or Maine for snow, we won't be off either. Which was really stupid. And so many teachers would call in sick they finally relented.
  3. I have no doubt this is going to continue. But I could do without the rain, and am ready for spring. As mentioned to another poster, if someone doesn't like their weather, they should make efforts to go where they might like it; for me, if winters were to remain wet, damp, cloudy and without snow, say like Seattle or Portland Ore, I would find that awfully depressing and would move elsewhere. If I'm not going to see some snow, I might as well move to a place that is a bit sunnier and more amenable to year round outdoor activities.
  4. Move south. You can have more than 5 years of no snow. Anyone who is that opposed to a normal part of their climate should consider going where the conditions are more to their liking. This is not said sarcastically. There are many places in the USA alone where you'd never have to see a snowflake. That's where I'd be; and I know several friends who have done just that.
  5. It's coming sooner or later; even the last three years were flirting with it. Just hope it isn't five years of this....
  6. 2014 was better out my way; actual storms as opposed to the 3-4 inch events in 2015, some of which turned to rain and washed away.
  7. I personally prefer ones like 2014 or 94, decent but not huge storms with frequency. 2011 would be next. 09-10 was just so disappointing in my area compared to elsewhere that it's hard to remember it fondly.
  8. Yeah, like Lucy and Charlie Brown with the football....still I hope it is true this time.
  9. The only winter sport I'm interested in is ice fishing, which is quite good up there. But I could live without it. My BIL is closer to Lewiston and Augusta so he is not in the wilderness, it's more populated and not too far from the coast. Further up in ME is actually frank wilderness. You get lost there, someone might find your bones in the spring. Maybe. It is a long drive, I've done it many times, but then I stop a lot, gotta get the cheap vodka at the NH border for my BIL. Usually stop at the Bass Pro and also LL Bean.
  10. Me neither. Looking more like 2007 all the time; torrential rains, snow to the north, but that winter at least had a Feb sleetfest, which we would all take right now. Had another sleet event in March that year.
  11. I love ME, am looking at lake houses there, but seriously, it isn't a place to be in winter, especially up there. That said, even parts of ME have had trouble getting enough snow in the 80's and 90's, according to my BIL, a lifer. He's complaining about snow this year though, again. Dude hates the snow. Hates NYC and NJ more, where he worked for many years. Tried FL, too hot. Can't make the guy happy.
  12. Ok, just wanted to put that out there. There's a lot of variability in this subforum. Some of my colleagues had 3 inches of snow Sunday, they live maybe 40 mins from me. We saw nothing but rain the whole time.
  13. As has been pointed out by others, not everyone had 4 feet of snow in March last year. I believe I had two events that actually produced snow, one was 4 inches when areas to the north had double digits, and the other was 10-11 inches. So around 14 for the month, not bad, but far from epic. We had a 3-5 event in April. In any case, lots of snow and big storms just aren't typical of March in the immediate metro. Checking in daily, still see nothing happening.
  14. And yet people argue with me every March when a big snowstorm is being projected, and I point out to them that, at least in the immediate metro region, a storm of over 10 inches is rare in March.
  15. Yeah I keep checking back here to see if things are changing, but they aren't. Spent a lot of last week tracking what in truth was basically more rain for a lot of us. We are closing in on Feb now and I don't see anything ahead to get excited about, except spring. Not that it would matter, as these long term projections have proven useless this year. Will check back to see if the odd storm might pop up, but it looks like I'll be draining the gas from the snowblowers while it is good enough to use for the cars. Hopefully something will happen, but I am old enough to have seen where the whole winter winds down like this. Hoping for a Feb 95 type event at this point. Cheers.
  16. Maybe you could look into driving an oil truck. My dad used to do that in winter when construction slowed,and a lot of deckhands in Atl highlands used to do it in winter. Not as many people have oil heat today, but might something to look at. Good luck.
  17. What needs to change for us to get a snowier pattern here? I kept reading the MJO was going to be more favorable, the NAO was going negative, etc and none of it has happened yet. Instead we are getting the dreaded wet cold, dry, and only cold recently.
  18. That was one of the few times my particular area got smoked, Middlesex Co. Wicked storm, came up fast, stranded people on the GSP.
  19. i think many of us would still be sleet/rain on that one. It would be so close, but close ain't good enough for our area. We need to be far from the R/S line in my experience. BUt that's probably not what it will look like anyway, right
  20. I don't think too many people are all that crazy about extreme cold. I mean, Ulan Bator is hardly a tourist destination....
  21. You said it. But these kids ain't snowflakes. Librarian called the cops on one kid and it didn't even phase him. He kept destroying the place. So they called a third cop. Still no good. So they called EMS. The five of them got the kid into a stretcher and took him away. 5th grader.
  22. Dog just slid across the yard chasing a squirrel. Lots of standing water frozen solid in the yard.
  23. Yeah well I work in a job where a few days a week some elementary kid throws a fit and tears up a classroom and so they call me to help. I'm supposed to talk the kid down. Doesn't work, and I wind up chasing the kid around the building for hours waiting for his parents to come get him. Which means my actual work doesn't get done. When I retire I do not want to work with kids, I need a break. A nursing home would be ok. Couple days a week.
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