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Everything posted by weatherpruf

  1. If the4-11 period is warm I think it's a safe bet we can start ordering supplies from the gardening catalog.
  2. Causes a lot of heart attacks and back problems. that's why I switched to a smaller snowblower this year, the big one is too heavy. Well, I won't have to worry about it I guess. Gotta look at the good aspects, nothing to clean up. Except the constant mud the dog tracks in.
  3. You can mitigate some of the issues. You won't stop them. And there are many random conditions that strike for no reason that we currently understand. And there may be causes of some things we have not yet fully realized. I once saw an Italian commentator laughing at Americans, who, he said, think they will be ok if they just eat right and exercise. The other thing he found hilarious was that we had a weather channel. This was a mystery to him. This winter is so bad we are talking about health. Sounds like we all need some fresh snow to clean up. Still waiting. Just 10 days from now....
  4. I kept it at bay for 12 years. You can stay in the prediabetic range a long time. However, I now know the damage is going on even while prediabetic, as I have neuropathy in both feet. My sugar isn't all that high. My mom started with " a little sugar" in her 50's, by the time she was in her 70's it was bad. But I've a friend who has been type 2 and out of control since his 30's. And no one else in his family has it. It now appears a combination of psychiatric med and cholesterol meds may have triggered it. Tom Hanks was also prediabetic since his 30's. Try walking on days you don't jog; it makes a difference.
  5. I'm at about 6 and don't expect big numbers this year. Heck, in my region we have a hard time posting big numbers even when everyone around us is getting double digits.
  6. Ya know, I've had high cholesterol most of my life. I'm a type 2 diabetic. I walk an hour a day, in my younger days I was a runner. never watched what I ate really. Two years ago a bungled cystoscopy left me with a prostate infection that blocked my urine flow and led to sepsis. I developed blood clots in both lungs and needed extraordinary measures to save my life. They even thought I had a heart attack due to the raised enzymes. But it wasn't. My heart rate had spiked to like 160 or more and it didn't go under 110 or so for a week after treatment. They did a stress test and I'll be damned it was ok. I asked the doc what the odds were that I'd have no blockages with a lifetime of moderately high cholesterol ( in the 240's ) he said about 80%. My mother died from kidney failure after a lifetime of uncontrolled diabetes. She had high cholesterol. But she did not have blocked arteries. I take the statins now though. Oh, i've also had high BP for 25 years. But that comes from working with idiots all day. And I don't mean the students.
  7. Anthony, the reason we are talking about eggs and cholesterol, among other things, is that the only weather worth talking about, our lack of snow, is old news. I detect a hint of resignation starting to filter through your posts. It's ok man. We feel your pain.
  8. Well it seems studies of less developed societies is showing what they eat doesn't mean much, but how much they move around ( a lot more than most of us ) may be the critical difference. So have a burrito, then go for a long walk.
  9. One of the hardest topics I had to teach when I was teaching English was the concepts of the plural "you" and the understood "you." In this day of social media it has become worse methinks.
  10. Put it this way. The people who spend their lives studying this stuff, and who have PhD's from places like Harvard and MIT, all agree this is caused by humans and is being accelerated. That's good enough for me. My own doctors don't have so much agreement on the role of cholesterol in heart disease.
  11. I've seen that too in my lifetime, only for it to suddenly flip to snowy winters. So you never really know. Also, at 56, I can't afford to just throw 5 years to the wind. I'll be 61. I've had serious health issues and have lost a few friends already.
  12. I think you should consider moving south. there are so many places in the country where winters are milder, and some have better job prospects as well. I love the Atlanta suburbs, lots to do, nice housing for cheap, low taxes ( ok schools are not that great but their physical plant is far superior as they are newer ) and good weather. There are other reasons I wouldn't like living in the south, which I won't get into, and lack of snow would one of them but would be low on the list. But for younger people or retirees, there's little to recommend about most of the northeast. Unless you like winters.
  13. we've all been hearing about blocking etc for a long time, and nothing has changed. The safe bet would be to assume it won't come to fruition. Key word; bet. I have to say that or people will jump all over me.
  14. Me neither, but at some point this is going to be the norm. Things are changing drastically, but much of it is in the Arctic and Antarctic, where it is much more obvious to those who study there. A shorter cold season here and less snow one year isn't a pattern, but it isn't really just one year is it? How many winters are we going to see warm days in the 60's and 70's ? This has happened often, though not yet this year ( did we hit 60 the other day? ). RFK Jr. said when he was a kid, Alaska became a state, and so some Eskimos visited his home in VA during his uncle's presidency, and built them an igloo out of the snow. And it lasted a long time. This would be unthinkable today.
  15. That's fine, but I get concerned that we are heading into a permanent state like this at some point, and that will not be a good thing, because it will mean a lot of other bad things are going on as well.
  16. Oh I didn't think you were busting my chops at all. One good thing about the lack of storms is some of the nastier posters have been absent.
  17. Not really a bold call and as likely, if not more, to be how it plays out. None of us knows the future; we could get a blizzard in April. But let's be real...After about Feb 20, I'd take a bet against anything big. But it would be a bet, that's all.
  18. in reality, the prime is about 3, maybe 4 more weeks. Chances go way down after that. Forget last year, most of the time if the winter was snowless March will be as well.
  19. Probably. Those are just the ones that rolled off the tongue. Some years had one good storm so I left them out; 95, 87, 83 to name a few.
  20. Yeah this does stink. Especially when you have to listen to the chorus of " better than that other stuff!" See, if you are an adult, there is tremendous peer pressure to hate snow.
  21. it was literally front page news by 91...what had happened to winter? And no it wasn't all that cold either, I was fishing by the end of Feb in the bay. Fishing was good too. The Star Ledger asked, what had ever happened to snow? A Rutgers met said well ,the conditions haven't been right. For years? We thought about climate change long before this; we were hearing alarm bells in 1988. Imagine our shock at the 93 superstorm, which was a bit of a letdown by mixing here but it was still the biggest thing anyone had seen in a decade, and it was a wall of ice to boot. And imagine how ill prepared we all were for 94.
  22. I lived through 73, 80, 81. 84,85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, 97,98,99, 00, 02,07,08,12 which is a lot of ratter winters, and I'm not counting years as a toddler. Oh, gotta add 2019 in there, so far.
  23. And it also wasn't 11 in every spot; I think I had about 4-5. The biggest storm I saw that year other than Jan 96 was the Dec 95 event.
  24. For those of us who don't know what that means, please explain.
  25. This is important work, and thanks for posting the abstract for nonscientists like me. My understanding, correct me please if I'm wrong, is the MJO is getting stronger due warming ocean temps, and this has global impacts, which they don't spell out in the abstract, but I think there are implications, ones that don't favor a lot of snowfall in these parts. Maybe.
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