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Everything posted by weatherpruf

  1. We had a statewide disaster two weekends ago remember? People were clearing out the bread and milk. Never saw a flake or frozen drop
  2. They’ve been spraying roads all over town for two days here. I’m expecting maybe a little more than a dusting
  3. People in India died from a "cold snap" a few years ago that wasn't even cold by our standards. we're used to climate control.
  4. Including the ones that didn't call for a lot of snow?
  5. I'll be surprised if I see more than 1/2 an inch....
  6. All during the storm I kept telling people here I wasn't seeing much and they didn't believe me. Ten minutes west on 287 they had nearly a foot. Real snowhole here.
  7. That storm was such a letdown over here. well we made up for it with the next two.
  8. We saw it last March. We had about 4 and it went up to 6 your way and 9 in Piscataway. Very possible.
  9. There's a thread for it. Nothing much if anything for us. Sussex and some areas could get something decent. New England could get a big one. Again. My BIL in ME has had it.
  10. I think the point is that it was not only long ago at this point, it was during a time of the year when winter hasn't really settled in and it wasn't going to stick around for very long, which it did not. . So there is no winter "feel" despite the 5 or so inches, kinda like after the freak Oct snow in 2011, which also correlated with a piss poor winter. Which this has been up to now, we can all agree. But of course it counts.
  11. well, any of us could go visit snow some place else. More to the point, we can go visit someplace warm. Frankly, if I'm going to hit the road at this time of the year, I'm not heading into snow. I'm going where I can catch a few bass and I don't mean through the ice. But then I don't ski or sled or do anything else in the snow; it's good for a few pictures to send to my wife's family in Colombia, that's about it.
  12. Sounds like a NW deal. So how much rain for the coast?
  13. The thing I tell people is that climate change is happening whether they believe it or not. If you don't believe you had a heart attack that doesn't change the fact that you had it. We can point to the EKG and see the evidence.
  14. Well climate change is a theory in the same way evolution is. At some point winters like this one probably will be the norm in our area.
  15. Not yet on the gardening tools; but def looking at my catalogs and scoping out the fishing flea markets, because you can never have too much gear.
  16. It's not far from SI. It's a fair distance from say, the Bronx, enough to make a real difference. In fact, I can't go by CP measurements at all, some storms, like last Jan or Feb 2013, gave much more to the city than my area. Same was true in the famous late feb 2010 storm; 8 inches for me. I'm in a soft snow hole in general, probably has something to do with the upper Raritan Bay.
  17. I sound like a broken record here, but a lot of us did not do well in March. It was a weird set up. I'm throwing in the towel already, but the snowblowers are still gassed and ready to go. If it were mid March or later, and it was warm, I'd empty them out. Actually, unless it's a doozy, I don't bother with cleaning March storms, sometimes they are almost gone the same day. Nature takes care of it.
  18. I think a lot of us, myself included, tend to forget the smaller events, or remember years like 97 and 98. Some of those years featured some events NIMBY, but had significant snow in the city or other areas in the metro region.
  19. I sure hope so. A number of the 80's events were too small to be noteworthy. So I tend to forget them. Schools were open, and I had to go to work. I think I may have had to shovel the driveway in 1985 once. I seem to remember it. The ones I remember were blockbusters, ( by 80's standards ) April 82, Feb 83, Jan 87. Really that was about it; Jan 82 was memorable because of the plane going down in DC.
  20. I'm south of the city. There are many times CP had more snow than me.
  21. Meh. it's no fun if that's the normal weather there. They probably get sick of it. I know my BIL in ME is sick of the snow this year. But hey, I hope you have a great time. Go light on that "ski bum soup" as they call it.
  22. I've lived here for 56 years. Chances go way down after about Feb 20. Which is about three weeks and change. Especially in low snow winters. The fact that something can happen doesn't mean it will. Even some of our blockbuster winters were over by then. I'd like to see the numbers since around 1980. If I were a betting man, I'd bet against much more snow this year. But as I always have said, it would only be a bet. We can have a blizzard in April. Saw it happen in 1982. Just once. Can't say what happened when I was a toddler, but that was the only one I remember in my 56 years. I guess we will know soon enough. This does seem unusual in light of the past few years though. Perhaps growing up in the 70's and being a young adult in the 80's has colored my perceptions of March, a month i'd usually have the boat in the water and be actively fishing Raritan Bay; it was warm enough.
  23. Again, not everywhere. Out my way we had only one decent storm in March, the last one. The immediate metro area around the city isn't conducive to big snows in March.
  24. Not down my way. Snow was hard to come by. I can remember only 4 storms of note in the whole decade. And two were in 1982. One in 83, one in 87. There were some piddly events in between.
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