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Everything posted by weatherpruf

  1. Just making a prediction and being a debbie downer; a paradoxical intention maybe...
  2. I actually wasn't crazy about 14-15, as most of the events were small. 13-14 was far better, real nice events of 6-10 inches. But anything's better than this, unless of course you are like 99% of the rest of the population, who are grinning and saying thank god it hasn't snowed!
  3. The best bet would be to assume more of the same except for an oddball storm that may pop up and give us 3-5 before it rains. Based on nothing more than pulling it out of my....
  4. More than us....15 inches would be enough if it came in two or three shots to blow our district's snow days. Many used one for the cold already.
  5. I work with teachers who commute in from the Lehigh valley and they have had enough snow that the kids are of snow days. It’s about an hour and 20 mins from here
  6. You'd think a person who was able to sit through college physics would be smart than that.
  7. Since the blackback flounder fishery crashed years ago, and the whiting disappeared, there is not much to fish for in the bay in March anymore. As for trout fishing, I only do it because saltwater mostly sucks anymore; the amount of trout stocked locally is a joke ( and our season starts in April ) they throw like a few netfulls in the local creeks, and the birds eat them all up. Then it gets hot out and the ones that didn't get caught or eaten by birds die. I do not fish for stripers; they are teetering on a crash again so I imposed my own moratorium.
  8. You guys lost me after -NAO and -EPO. There's just too many initials for my ADHD addled brain. Something about blocking. I know we mostly don't have it anymore. And suppression, when we do get some blocking it's too much. And south and east winds, not just bad for fishing, bad for snow...how'm I doin?
  9. Someone here tell me what all the phases need to be in, so I can go do something else with my time if they are unfavorable...
  10. I'm gonna guess cause I really don't get this stuff....but the famed MJO isn't going to 8, is it?
  11. People 90 minutes west of us are out of school snow days already. It's snowed everywhere but Philly to Boston.
  12. too early for fishing, too late for snow....
  13. I haven't needed anything since 11/15. I'm sorry I plunked down money on a new snowblower. I knew we were due for a stinker and I new having snow in Nov was a bad sign, but I remembered 2013 and thought we might pull together a half-assed storm in Feb like we did that year ( most of the storm was east of us ). But I'm having doubts now.
  14. I felt that way after the Nov storm based on experience LOL, but even I thought that was pure superstition. As nothing happened in Dec and then into Jan, I thought well, here we go, we were due for this. I kept hope alive from reading here, but I'm not seeing anything encouraging. Nothing to track but cold rain, noting popping up here or there, just an all around bad vibe. And wasted cold. I do not care for these arctic shots at all. They hurt.
  15. It's boring. Cold rain, heck even not so cold rain, followed by some cold temps. Maybe you don't suffer from winter skin rashes but I certainly do; the went away for the warm period we had in Dec. Soon as it got cold, it comes right back. The best thing that can happen right now is an early spring. We can start looking forward to next winter then. And I'll never buy a snowblower again if it snows in OCt or Nov, because in my lifetime that has meant a fairly snowless winter ( al 4 of them lol ).
  16. Well i just put the recycling out and my hands started to hurt; the dog bolted right in and was shivering even after he got inside. After that I thought, man, maybe winter really will get started here...
  17. Yeah but Caribou has a lot of snow OTG...but hey it looked like an all out snowstorm for ten mins or so on the Driscoll Bridge, even kinda scary. Can't get a decent snowstorm but we get this. Now if we can get that rate for maybe a few hours....
  18. Yeah when the heart of the second half is going to lose some days to a warmup, you really are looking at something having to come together in a brief window.
  19. Not everyone had an advisory event in 98. We had but a dusting in March out here. It's the tail end of Jan. While 2015 stands out, in my 56 years, when it hasn't done much by Feb 1st, it tends to stay that way. Hopefully this won't be the case. As for March, meh. If it snows it won't last, if it's under about 7 inches you don't need to bother shoveling. Sometimes it melts off driveways and streets by the end of the storm.
  20. The window is fairly tight, and perhaps something will happen, but the reality is an overweight woman is warming up her vocal chords. A few people will insist that we have 6 weeks of opportunity for some snow, and that is true, but it might also be wet and cold or sunny and brisk. Overall a disappointing winter for snow weenies to date, but we get these kinds of winters.
  21. Thanks for your thoughtful replies. I already know most of this stuff, but it all sets aside the two biggest factors, stress and inactivity. Take a look at the Roseta paradox. Stress.stress.stress. I do eat a lot of fish but you have to limit it to once or twice a week. The fisheries are dangerously close to collapsing though. I do eat farm raised for the most part as it is not nearly as contaminated as local. I release most of my wild catch. I also grow a ton in my garden. I walk several miles a day before work too. Studies show that a lot of the fish in the store are purposely mislabeled and restaurants are even worse.
  22. Nothing in April in 96 or 97. A few slushy inches in 03. 82 was the big one...
  23. The biggest factor in indigenous peoples, who generally die of things we don't get in modern society, is that they move around a lot. Diet doesn't seem to be a factor, as they eat different diets. Omega 3's have been found to be a lot of malarkey, like most of this stuff. Eating omega 3's or lots of fish will not do anything but raise your mercury levels. See Paul Greenberg's books. We're all gonna die.....
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