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Posts posted by weatherpruf

  1. 8 minutes ago, Brian5671 said:

    And we're now warm into next week.  Brief transient cold spell end of week

    I'm done. Nothing is likely to happen this year. Maybe next year will be better. I know one thing. I'm dumping both snow blowers next year ( I got rid of one already ) and just keeping the electric toro. Haven't needed more than that since 2016, and that includes 2021. We just don't get big amounts IMBY even when areas nearby do.

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  2. 4 hours ago, LibertyBell said:

    Is there a purpose to making up the days though? If the kids pass their tests and do their work, why should it matter if they go to school for 180 days or less?


    Ask the politicians; they seem to think they know better than everyone else. I mean why ask a professional? Seriously, it's all due to funding. Since our schools in this country basically compete for crumbs, every little bit counts. Without state aid, the schools can't really function, even with the high property taxes. And heaven forbid a teacher should get paid for 180 days when the school wasn't open for that many days. Shiver me timbers, that would just be unbearable. What's that you say? No one wants to do the job anymore? 

  3. 49 minutes ago, EastonSN+ said:

    There were at least two monster storms that hit just them.

    Well we don't have to worry about that this year LOL. My neighbor is a limo driver and he was saying thanks be to God for this winter. Most people just don't care that it's abnormal, they just hate snow.Me, I hate cold and damp....

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  4. 5 hours ago, Volcanic Winter said:

    May be an unpopular sentiment in today's day and age, but give the kids a damn break. They study / work hard enough in school, let them have a couple days per winter where they get to stay home and go outside with their friends and family.

    Being able to have classes at home is a tremendous advancement, but it can be taken too far IMHO.

    It's not a break; the days all have to be made up. I taught in 94 and went right through to June 30 without a break because Gov Whitman in her infinite wisdom threatened to withhold funding if we didn't. By holding classes online for half day it counts and doesn't have to be made up. If days are built in and not used ( as often happened in the 90's ) then school let out a few days earlier or days were added to spring break. 

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  5. 2 minutes ago, jm1220 said:

    After the Christmas arctic front came through it was comical how much salt was on the roads for the flash freeze that never happened because we had 3 hours after the precip ended until we went below freezing. 

    Hand over your heart, and you are much younger than me, but have you ever seen a more pathetic winter? I may have, 97-98, but this is challenging that one.

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  6. 8 minutes ago, gpsnavigator said:

    They called at 5:45 this morning.  All Sussex County schools are closed with the exception of one.  It's a limp pee pee of a radar right now and I even had the sun breaking through a few minutes ago.  Temp is 33 and RH is 72%. 

    Maybe the radar will fill in later, and if we get some evaporation based cooling, it'll be bad for a couple of hours.  But that's a big IF.

    Surprised they still have snow days; they are able to transition to online classes for snow in some districts now. No need for snow days anymore. They do need days for bad weather when power goes out though, because they can't do online then. It was Sandy that made them rethink snow days and holidays; they used to give a 4 day break for President's day; there was so much bad weather that decade they decided it would be best to limit some holidays, especially in winter, where they were likely to have snow. Looks like that paradigm might be shifting as far as snow, but I think we see other extreme events that force closures. 

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  7. 4 minutes ago, Cfa said:

    It’s usually said in jest but we’ve literally had more salt accumulate than snow. They’ve been putting it down for no reason at all.

    Yes my son works for the state and he said the complex is surrounded by a layer of salt. Even here they treated the streets. I mean, they are calling for a high of 46 here...come on, man....

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  8. 8 minutes ago, LibertyBell said:

    I don't know why some people act like it hasn't snowed in 30 years.  Honestly we've had plenty of snow over the last 2 decades.

    You don't need it every year.


    Some of us are getting older and don't want to wait for another decade....but there's nothing we can do about it. But I tell myself most people are happy to never see snow again once they are retired; they pity those of us who have to deal with it. Most people hate the stuff. Still, winter just doesn't feel right without it. Thing is, it's too cold to do anything else, but too warm to feel like winter. It's just cold and damp. Really depressing weather.

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  9. 8 minutes ago, LibertyBell said:

    at this point you can't ignore what is going on in the rest of the world, this isn't an "unlucky" winter, it's happening all over the world.


    It's breaking through to the MSM now, and I just saw a Columbia scientist comment that while it is due to local variation, it is also due to climate change. So we are going to be seeing more winters with less snow. Snowed in ME yesterday, around 3-6 from my SIL's photos; she wants an electric snow blower to deal with these "nuisance" events...

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  10. 1 hour ago, SnoSki14 said:

    Early Feb will be the best chance of snow for the season. Cold air bleeding south and clashing against the SE ridge.

    These gradients can sometimes result in tons of snow.

    MJO phase 3 is also quite favorable for us and snow climo maxes out

    After that La Nina Feb fully takes over most likely with late Feb into early March the next chance at something. 

    It would be hard to dodge the coming period with nothing. I doubt the futility records will stand. 

    Generally true ( though in 2011 after an epic Jan that was all she wrote ) and I hope we can salvage an event out of it, but I think we make a run at a record this year and likely see nothing substantial. Just based on pure speculation.

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  11. 4 hours ago, LibertyBell said:

    Yeah fishing is quickly becoming an endangered industry.....overconsumption does that.


    Wasn't the recreational sector; there were never enough of us to wipe out a whole population. it's industrial fishing gear. In fact, at least half of the plastics problem in the ocean is from discarded commercial gear. Recreational fishing in the NY Bight reached its zenith in the mid-80s and has declined precipitously ever since, with the only decent fishing left for striped bass, which has no commercial fishery as it has gamefish status. All the other species have to be allocated to the commercial sector, and we see the results. 

  12. 1 hour ago, jm1220 said:

    This could finally get the Apps region and NNE significant snow but wouldn’t be surprising if the low keeps trending NW and it just becomes another cutter(s). Without a good 50-50 low and confluence any high pressure will get kicked out as soon as the trough deepens and the low heads north. 

    Snowed in Maine today. About 3-6, which is nothing for them, but they've been in a snow drought too. They can manage some snow in awful conditions because its just colder.

  13. 23 minutes ago, Nibor said:

    Sea life in a river? Not normal. Lol

    Ocean creatures will go into brackish water, but as mentioned earlier, I think the dolphins are there because they are having trouble finding a food source. It's certainly not because the fisheries are recovering. They are not.

    • Like 1
  14. Just now, Nibor said:

    At the very least we’ll get a marginal snowfall in March where EWR LGA and JFK measure 4-5 and CPK will measure some dumb number like 1.6

    It will fall but will be melted by day's end.....

    • Thanks 2
  15. 5 minutes ago, Brian5671 said:

    Me.  It's over.

    Agreed. If we get anything at all it will be a big deal. I haven't even purchased road salt this year. Didn't even start the snowblowers. I didn't even move them out of storage, actually. The mice are happy at least....

    • Weenie 2
  16. 7 minutes ago, MJO812 said:

    You in their right mind would cancel winter on January 18?

    Had you been old enough to live through the 80's and 90s a winter like this would be no big surprise; even though it was colder on average, I'd be flounder fishing by the end of Feb and party boats would be ready to sail by early March; in recent decades not only was March too cold, but the fisheries disappeared, along with the party boats, as well. I only remember 4 storms in all of the 80s; Jan 82 ( the famous plane crash in the Potomac; the storm made it up here ) April 82, Feb 83, and Jan 87. There were some piddly events in 84 and 85. The 90's had two epic winters, 94 and 96, and 93 had the march superstorm. That's it. Over 20 years, and the 70s weren't much to talk about either; only the winter of 78 stands out.

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  17. 14 hours ago, Rjay said:

    As an angler, I'm inclined to think they are having trouble finding fish to eat in the ocean....the river might be improving, but the oceans are dying. Decades of strip mining of the seas by netters and climate change. Bad combo.


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  18. 1 hour ago, MJO812 said:

    Stop just pointing out JB

    There are other meteorologists on Twitter who think the pattern will get better for the coast. 

    What are actual scientists saying? JB just has a BS; about the same level as an entry level accountant or elementary teacher, neither of which he would probably be as good as. A guy who is so off base on so many things simply can't be taken seriously on, well, anything. So how about some others? Serious question, not being snide.

  19. 45 minutes ago, snowman19 said:

    IMO, the Sunday-Monday storm is rain south of I-84, much too warm. The one to look for is Thursday, that may have a chance to thread the needle if everything goes exactly right. If nothing happens by 2/2 it’s close the shades time for awhile. The new GEFS is very ugly after that date. Gotta agree with Allsnow, the window is 1/26-2/2, if nothing happens, we most likely wait until early March

    It's just one of those winters. Nothing much is likely to happen. Reminds me of the 90's a lot. It's even warmer than that. Probably get a little inch or two event in March. They can't buy a flake even in much of Maine, let alone NJ.

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  20. 4 hours ago, North and West said:

    Additionally, putting AGW aside for a moment (not discounting it, just not having it in the conversation for the time being), this is very much like the early and late 1990s for those too young to remember. We’ve had these winters before. (Yes, I know that it’s warmer; I’m referring to the rain and then cooldown then cutter, repeat)

    I distinctly remember daytime thunderstorms in or around January 1991, because I remember Sam Champion going over the radar on Channel 7 on the news when I got home from grammar school.


    I bought a big LL Bean winter parka that year, and did not need it until 1994. I've mentioned this before, but so bereft of snow were we in the early 90's that the Star ledger actually ran a headline asking whatever happened to winter? My older relatives would say, remember the snow storms we used to have? Then came 94, 96....and then nada for several years. Thing is, we can and will go years without much snow, but it is obvious climate change is going to make snowier winters harder to come by. In 2010 Philly and the Mid Atlantic had a winter the likes of which we still haven't seen here, but that seems to have been it for them.

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