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Posts posted by weatherpruf

  1. 2 hours ago, Winterweatherlover said:

    Reminds me of 2006, we had basically no snow all winter and one record breaking snowstorm when I was away in Florida.

    Yes and it was lame as far as KUs go, but we'd take that in a NY minute......

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  2. 12 minutes ago, vegan_edible said:

    much love to you rclab. I have to say this is a fantastic community ive stumbled into, before this winter i had no clue about weather really, besides what you hear on the news. but you all have educated me greatly



    i guess snowman19 really dipped on us huh?

    Meh, a lot of people have left here. You should have seen some of the characters that used to show up; an energy trader who would scream at people, and threatened another poster with being his footstool for 250 k a year, which got a few great responses here, another poster Mulen would just jump in with some hilarious observation then disappear, then there was Pamela who I guess was trans and moved to Montana or someplace. We had a chemist from Merck who meticulously measured snowfall in CNJ, and others who I'm sure I left out. There's not been much winter weather to really discuss for the last two years. 

  3. 37 minutes ago, LibertyBell said:

    It's really simple-- if they're going to villify winter they shouldn't talk about how horrible climate change is either.

    Pick a side.


    Really, winter does suck for most people; after 31 years in the mental health field, I can tell you many people suffer from depression in winter, simply because it is winter. It's called Seasonal Affective Disorder ( SAD ). People will sometimes even get it in spring or summer if the weather is cloudy and rainy for extended periods. OTOH, many people find the brightness of snow to lift up their spirits some. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, JustinRP37 said:

    There are quite a few states that derive quite a bit of economic activity from winter: Colorado, Utah, Montana, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, to name a few. Poor winters do hurt many areas, especially seasonal areas. 

    Doesn't matter to the haters. They don't care about any of that. It disrupts the commute in NJ. It costs money to plow and salt. No one here cares about winter sports. The only people I know that ski other than what I read here are all people over 60. Both of them. Same for fishing, really. We are becoming a nation of couch potatoes who can't handle some flurries on the streets. Might as well work from home.

    • Like 4
  5. 1 hour ago, Winterweatherlover said:

    I’m tired of the anti winter narrative too, just forecast don’t comment your opinions on what is “nice” vs “not nice” weather. 

    They will always counter with the dangers of ice and snow and how much economic disruption they cause due to lost time at work and school. In short, we would all be better off without winter weather. This is the narrative, and it is one that everyone but folks like us agrees with.Virtually everyone I know is happy with this winter's weather ( well they think it could be warmer ) and even the few flurries yesterday was met with disgust among everyone I talked to. There's a reason people are flocking to the Sunbelt and not Syracuse or St.Paul. But, give it time, we're getting there. We'll see more winters like this. Frankly, I like the snow, but could do without the bitter cold. But I recognize not having it is an ominous sign.

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  6. 24 minutes ago, Stormlover74 said:


    I was at a large university hospital today getting a check up and when the flurries stopped people were like thank GOD. It just amazes me how much people hate winter and snow around here. It's like the only reason they are here is for their jobs. Once retired they head south.

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, LibertyBell said:

    The only Asia song I know is the one that keeps playing over and over again in that Supernatural episode where they're stuck in a time loop and keep dying over and over again.  Really good song!

    Well it was their only big hit....they were a "supergroup" made up of former bands that most American kids weren't even that familiar with by 1981....the 80's were truly a decade of terrible music.

    • Sad 1
  8. 9 minutes ago, LibertyBell said:

    It's been close to 60 here all afternoon and bright and sunny, it will be interesting to see the splits when they come in.


    it was a beautiful day. i made a couple bucks returning abandoned stroller rentals at the local mall.....got a little workout during my walk.

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  9. 24 minutes ago, North and West said:

    Watch baseball. Best game there is.


    I grew up playing it but I can't watch it. I simply don't have the attention span. The reason I like soccer is because it flows with minimal interruptions and then the game is done in two 45 min halves ( except in finals and playoffs ). A tied baseball game can go on for hours. Like I said, it's not the fault of the sport, I just can't get into it.  There was a reason it got booted from the Olympics; for the expense there just wasn't enough interest. There was some hope the baseball World Classic would help the game, but the tournament has largely been a failure in terms of interest, even right here in this country; I'll be watching because the US will play Colombia ( parts of Colombia play baseball ), my wife's country ( played them in soccer Saturday night, not a great game, 0-0, but an exhibition is not a good barometer, and neither the US or Colombia, which is an elite team, sent their top players ). I've had students over the years who just loved sports and didn't much care what was on as long as something was being played. That wasn't me. My favorite sport was angling, and you just can't watch that on tv ( well, people apparently do these days ). I have the same issue with NFL really; the ball is only really in play for a short period of time for the entire game, like 7-11 minutes, the rest is starting and stopping. Plus, in American sports you don't get to see players collapse in pain, then get up a second later and score a goal after a miraculous recovery.....but I recognize people love baseball and its part of the American psyche ( though I think it now takes a back seat to NFL and Basketball ) but that has been the history of the game; it has waxed and waned over the decades, with the low point during the 94 strike, then later with the steroid scandals. When a colleague wanted to send a baseball cap to a friend's kid in Europe, she was going to send a Mets cap, I said Heavens no, it has to be Yankees or Red Sox.....

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, winterwx21 said:

    What a way to spend a sunday evening, giving a bunch of posts weenies because he hates that other people enjoy watching football. Once he actually said that pro sports should be banned, lol. 

    I kinda dislike American sports too, but I recognize that's my failure to appreciate them, not the fault of the sports themselves.  I like soccer and it's not an American sport ( well it is now, but not when I started watching ) but that doesn't mean I think its better than other sports. People tend to enjoy what they grow up with; you can learn a lot about a society by knowing their sports history. For example, Venezuela became a baseball country because American oil companies introduced the game there. British influence in Brazil and Argentina introduced soccer, which took off in the rest of South America. Cricket was introduced by the British as well, but failed to gain a foothold in North or South America ( Guyana being an exception ) but did make it in the West Indies, in fact its the 2nd biggest sport on the planet. Good luck trying to figure it out. Then there is Rugby, likely the 3rd most popular sport. Places like  Australia and New Zealand developed their own sports, and Americans introduced baseball and later basketball to a lot of other countries. i don't care for basketball because really, you have to be almost superhuman to be world class; it is not a sport for normal sized humans ( though yes, there are some exceptions, but I remember a coach once saying, give me a tall player, I'll make them into a basketball player, which has irritated non athletic tall people to no end...). There's also ice hockey, and net ball ( played by mostly women in Europe due to a misinterpretation of basketball rules when it was introduced ) and field hockey, badminton ( yes, I kid you not ). And guess what? I really enjoy figure skating. I think the stuff the skaters are able to do is mind blowing. And then, for most of my life, I didn't pay attention to any sports at all. The super bowl or world series could be going on and I couldn't even tell you who was playing, in fact just yesterday my wife asked when the super bowl was, and I said I don't know, maybe in a few weeks ( so we could plan a party menu LOL for my BIL).

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  11. 11 hours ago, winterwx21 said:

    I agree. Not only should they have let that call go because a trip to the Super Bowl was on the line, but some other terrible calls against the Bengals. A shame when bad officiating has such an impact on the outcome. Sometimes officials just let players play and don't throw many flags in huge games. Too bad that wasn't the case tonight. 

    I guess you guys don't watch much soccer; PKs given now with VAR because the ball bounced up from the turf and hit the player's arm in the box.....and in soccer one PK can decide the whole game ( the infamous 1990 final between West Germany and Argentina ). We watch the super bowl mainly for the commercials, we aren't big NFL fans but will watch at times. Will be pulling for the Eagles simply because Philly lost both the Series and MLS Cup last year and that's just too much for one city to bear. 

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  12. 45 minutes ago, Allsnow said:

    I remember riding shotgun as a young boy as my father plowed snow that winter. We did the office building with the big 9 on it off rt1 by turnpike in Woodbridge. Many hours were spent there that winter. 

    What has been your favorite winter since 2000? 13/14 and 14/15 are probably my favorites 

    I believe that was the Wilentz building, which is close to royalty in NJ....I'd take 2013-14, lots of nice events, but no blockbusters; 2015 had many piddly events of 3-5 inches and a lot of rain mixes. 2011 loses out because it was over in Jan, but what a time it was.....two big blockbusters. 

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Allsnow said:

    What’s your favorite winter locally? 

    94....came after a decade of crap winters, took everyone by surprise, and no one had snowblowers that still worked...and there were not enough Home Depots around to buy one, and no such thing as online orders....by 96 most of us were ready, but not for something that big....it was back to snowless for a half decade afterwards.

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  14. 4 minutes ago, donsutherland1 said:

    I recall the big sleet storms in 2007. 

    IIRC there was also an ice storm. So, a more active year than this one....we get stinkers, we're gonna get a lot more. But 2021 wasn't so long ago and last year had a couple events, so who knows. Conditions just aren't coming together this year, and that can and does happen, sometimes for years in a row, even aside from warming, which we know is happening anyway. 

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  15. 1 hour ago, donsutherland1 said:

    New York City's snow season futility rankings through January 28th:



    2007 had a couple sleet incidents IIRC....one around VD and one in March, at least in CNJ....both were a few inches, perhaps it wasn't measured right....to date we've had nothing close...also note that it was a few years before big snows returned, and even then they weren't blockbuster events; most of those were south of us ( though we'd kill for 10-12 in events these days ). 2008 and 2009 were still slim pickings, though Monmouth and the shore scored in March 2009. This is about the worst I've personally seen in recent years, though 2020 was really bad too, but I think there was something else going on so no one really cared, I know I didn't.....

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  16. 1 minute ago, North and West said:

    I know I’ll get beaten for saying this, but I think that’s overdramatic. Yes; it’s getting warmer, it’s just math. The world isn’t ending. It will snow again.


    Well, the world actually might just be ending as we know it...in fact I read scientists saying as much all the time. I expect winters will get warmer here, and further north too. 

    • Weenie 1
  17. 5 hours ago, matt8204 said:

    It's like rooting for a terrible sports team that has no shot of making the playoffs and the season is only half over.  Just end it and get to free agency and the draft.

    Pretty much the life of a US mens soccer fan......

    • Haha 1
  18. 50 minutes ago, Stormlover74 said:


    Months are made of weeks....I'm confident though, that we will be done in weeks, not months. It may say winter on the calendar, but it's toast. 6 weeks. Maybe earlier. Will eat crow if I'm wrong, but even one storm isn't gonna turn this around.

  19. 2 hours ago, MJO812 said:

    Nice model runs overnight :snowman:

    I doubt it really matters. I'm ready for spring. Enough of this. Of course, we are stuck with it a few more weeks. Weeks, that's all, then we won't have to think about it until next Dec. 

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