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Posts posted by CoolHandMike

  1. It's currently 5°F warmer than the IMBY forecast from weather.com, wunderground and accuweather. MOS forecast is only a degree cooler with temps never approaching zero today/tomorrow. It was supposed to have been snowing for several hours by now already, but there's pretty much nothing on radar north of the Mason Dixon line. I'd say this forecast is a bust for us. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, C.A.P.E. said:

    Eagles need to dig in here. Its the freaking Redskins FFS. Cant have Dallas winning that division.

    Rooting for the Eagles is like Yay! Oh. Yay! Oh. Oh. Oh... Yay? For instance, see last week's Giant's game. They almost lost to a 2 and 10 team ffs.

  3. 40°F and nothing. Roads are almost completely dry from a little drizzle we had earlier. At least this was an interesting start to our winter weather. Glad some other board members are making out ok at least. I'll live vicariously through you all for just a little longer. :)

  4. The leading edge of that thing is only about a half hour away from me. Looks like it might get interesting over here near Coatesville, and a lot sooner than I would have thought based on all the warnings and models etc. Outside temp dipped briefly to 72° an hour ago but is back up to 74° now, and the DP has held steady at 69° all evening. Starting to get gusty as well.

  5. So after wunderground's full-screen weather map went to absolute garbage several years ago, I found this site: http://weather.wdtinc.com/imap/imaplite/?MAPID=10937&CLIENTID=20485

    While not a perfect replacement, it got the job done. Intuitive controls, handy mapping features, fast and stable. But now it's down as well, and I find myself without a decent alternative. I've got the NWS's full screen mosaic but there's no zoom and it's pretty unwieldy. I won't even discuss the dumpster fires that are TWC/wunderground's current map versions. They just don't work. And I'm not a real fan of Accuweather either as the way they present their radar returns seems way overblown, not to mention that the website controls are less than perfect. In fact, it seems I can't get anything from Mapbox to work properly, in both firefox and chrome...

    So what's everyone using these days? When I get into storm mode, I like to have up some local Doppler, some satellite imagery, a page for lightning, and a modern, full-screen weather page. I feel like I'm blind without it now, as the Doppler and satellite only get you so far. Thanks in advance.

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  6. 13 hours ago, Hurricane Agnes said:

    Made it up to 88 today (but not until 4:30 pm), and with ugly dews in the low 70s, but interesting that it is still 81 out right now.  The temp was slow to rise here this morning so didn't expect to hit the big 9-0.  Will be interesting to see if it gets closer to it tomorrow.  There's a little blob on the radar headed this way but I expect it'll either fizzle or fringe me.

    ETA ~8:45pm - am seeing lightning flashes way off to my south. lol


    That cell to the NW tracked right over my house. It was a terrific light and sound show with a bunch of rain as well. Saw a transformer blow and we lost power for a few minutes, but that was it. Haven't had a proper storm like that in a while!

  7. 35 minutes ago, Hurricane Agnes said:

    Now getting heavy sheets of rain and hearing lots of crackling thunder.

    Drove through some of that on the 30 going west about a half hour ago. There was some pea-sized hail mixed in and it was raining so hard I almost had to pull over since my wipers couldn't clear it fast enough. Lots of other ppl did pull over and I managed to get off at the business 30 exit (Downingtown) where it stopped raining almost instantly. Went from driving in a washing machine to sunny and hot in less than 1/8th of a mile. Crazy.

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