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Everything posted by CoolHandMike

  1. Measured 3.5" on the back deck. Sun's out, and it's cold! 24.6°F and blowing around 10mph.
  2. It was snowing pretty moderately out my way again for a few minutes, but now tapering off again. What an absolutely beautiful way to end our winter. Snowy Saturday, spiral-cut ham in the oven, and baking some bread later. Having some early-afternoon adult beverages, and casually watching snow-TV out the window every now and then.
  3. Our usually rock-solid power just flickered hard. Hard enough to reboot my PC (but not the little RasPi next to it). Hopefully won't be dragging out the genny tonight, but it's there if we need it.
  4. Snow picking back up here! Just shoveled all the slop off the driveway so it doesn't freeze into an ice rink overnight. We have about 3" of compacted snow and slush, so I'll leave it to the spotters with proper equipment to determine how much actually fell. Starting to get a little gusty here, too.
  5. Measured about 3" in the back deck. Plows are running and salting the main roads, but I can see the asphalt peaking through in my un-plowed cul-de-sac. Trees are thickly coated, looks really pretty out. Looks like my anemometer got snowed over around 10am, but it doesn't look windy at all. I bet some trees are gonna come down if it picks up though.
  6. Have maybe a couple of inches and it's not snowing as hard as it has been for the past hour anymore. I don't see much on the radar that indicates we're going to get that 6-8 inches forecasted, but I'm totally not mad at all about today's little surprise event.
  7. I don't exactly know why I'm up at 3am, but the latest NWS expected snowfall maps have ticked east. Off to bed now to hopefully awake in a late season, winter wonderland of blowing snow.
  8. Went from a watch to a warning up here. Feisty! It'll be nice to be able to hunker down on the weekend and enjoy one last winter blast. Especially after getting a bunch of outside chores taken care of in today's beautiful weather. We got up to 60°F (now around 58) and I was actually working up a sweat in full sunlight. Starting to cloud up a bit now though.
  9. Dang, for such a non-snowy winter, that will have been two Saturday dog trainer appointments I'll have missed on account of snow. I just called to reschedule--even if nothing sticks, I don't want to be anywhere near any roads around here during the event.
  10. Temp down to 33.8°F. Mulch and some grass is now white. Went out to the hardware store, and roads are just a touch slushy in spots. Feels like it's raining slush, though it's still pretty to look at.
  11. Checking in. Mostly rain so far with some big chunks of what could be snow mixing in during the past few minutes. 35.7°F here now.
  12. Still pretty gusty behind the front. I'm picking up gusts in the mid 20's mph range. I really wish my anemometer was mounted in a more favorable spot though--it's on top of my shed and kind of sheltered from different angles. One of these days I'd like to mount it high up on my roof peak, but that's going to require some serious preparations (and maybe a lift rental).
  13. It just came through. Looked like a washing machine through my NW-facing living room windows. The gauge says we picked up .18" but it sure seemed like a lot more than that. I guess it's harder to measure when it's going sideways (on my little device, anyway).
  14. Lightning to my NW and it's starting to get gusty. We had some wild temperature swings today as well. High of 73.5°F around noon, then down to 60 at 6pm, now it's back up to 69.
  15. 74.4°F here just north of Reading. ALLLL the neighbors are out washing cars, pressure washing their houses, etc.
  16. 24.4°F right now at almost 1:30am. Forecast high for Sunday is 74 and Monday is 75. That's weird, right? I feel like that should be May weather. I mean, at least it's supposed to go back down into the 50s afterwards, but still. Do not like.
  17. Got down to 15.2°F this morning. Hard to believe it's supposed to be 73 just two days from now.
  18. Currently 34.5°F and raining from the trees. Thank goodness there's no wind. Yeah I've got about 5.5 hours of frozen gauge data lol. Just came back at 11:30.
  19. All exterior surfaces are coated in about an eighth to a quarter of an inch of really bumpy ice. It's kind of surreal, sitting here at my computer at the wee hours of the morning knowing the power could just shut off without a moment's notice and everything could just go dark. Thankfully there's no real wind associated with this event, otherwise I'm sure we would have had massive power outages by now. That said, it is icing up pretty bad out there right now. Temps hovering right around 30°F, light freezing rain.
  20. Sometime in the past hour we had some freezing rain. There is a super thin, icy coating on my deck furniture.
  21. I noticed Ralph's temps are colder than mine. Check out this weird warm pocket: I'll probably do this again in a couple of hours.
  22. There's some disconnect between what's being modeled and my local forecasts. The way my local forecasts have trended makes me think it might ZR for maybe a couple of hours after midnight and then everything warms up by sunrise. First it was supposed to start at 7, then the forecast said 9, now it says 11. Looking at the 0Z NAM though makes it look like ZR all the way from midnight until 10am. This strikes me as a very not straightforward weather system (can we even call it a storm? I guess it will be much further north). I don't envy being a met tonight, that's for sure.
  23. Very light flurries with graupel mixed in up my way, temp just below freezing but looks like it's ticking up from our low of 28°F this morning. No stickage yet.
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