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Everything posted by Bubbler86

  1. Salisbury is off the road trip choices. In 6 hours it went from 12" to zip for early week. But Pitt is looking prime this run....late week.
  2. Talking Covid on here is not always appreciated but want to respond since you replied to my post about the fires and all the issues we are getting thrown at us (personal or public in nature) I know it is getting a little scary Covid wise though not sure anyone (including the disease expert) knows for sure what has or is happening. But being prepared or trying to be is probably the best route at this point. If things do get bad, my hope is that people step up to help each other. The next few weeks is already going to be a fight for a lot of people that suffer some level of post holiday depression. I believe that this type of issue is heightened and worse during a pandemic.
  3. Yea, the boundary was quite a bit farther south and though the second wave formed, it was a goner for us. What was a closed off look at 18Z is progressive now.
  4. It seems so many bad things are happening, either simultaneously or in succession, that is getting hard to stop and focus grief or concern on any given one. I had not heard about this until you brought it up.
  5. The Nam is getting close to go time as to the short term stuff. A good 'ole namming would not be bad.
  6. Not going to go down a long path with you other than to reaffirm that a mod should be one of the more upstanding citizens. Mocking people, baiting people, trolling, etc...makes for a bad look. Not directed at you though.
  7. You non mod's are making some good points here. Saw the topic was hot so stopped in to check why. It is good of rjay to try and explain but one of the larger issues, at least in my opinion, is the general posting demeanor of Mod's. It's my opinion that mod's should not troll, post insulting emoji's or really say much of anything in a negative manner...sort of in the vein of how a policeman is supposed to be an upstanding citizen. Obviously reality is not like that but some mod's are outright unhinged in OT and it's a bad look. With saying that, I think that if most/all mod's posting habits were a little more moderate and less conducive to being a part of the problem, the general public would have a lot less issue with all things moderation in general.
  8. I understood your post to be about the general long wave pattern and it is spot on. It's just a model run but anything resembling winter is transient. Could snow of course but during the entire run it only gets near or below 20, at MDT, one evening.
  9. My favorite and its not even close. We have a place we rent, on the river, that accepts Pets.
  10. I do not like backwards either. It ruins the day with nausea.
  11. Oh yes. And it opens early (in the summer of course) so you can ride it before the rest of the park opens.
  12. I would prefer to have it a bit farther south and ride the Griffon at Busch Gardens during a snow storm :-)
  13. It's been a long time since I have been in Salisbury but it seemed to be a bit "behind the times" last time I was there.
  14. There are some 12"+ totals on the 18Z GFS for the Chessie area. That is not too common to see.
  15. You all are really having fun today. In Etters right now and it's 53 degrees. Another over achiever.
  16. The tracks are not running through our hood on this specific run. A train of cutters. 384 GFS has a MEC's for us but how often do we say that? Too often.
  17. "Wave 1" gets a lot of the upper midwest. The GFS has a train of snows lined up for some of them.
  18. I very much think so, yes. Still in the first 1/3 of the season. (Met). Is it too early for it be discussed in the MA thread as people use the board for solace and counseling? Nope. LOL.
  19. If we get a decent one (especially both Western and Eastern PA simultaneously) we will probably quickly forget the pain of the pattern change that never came....but until then, we indeed have to keep searching for nuggets.
  20. We have had great snow maps and nothing to show, so lets try reverse psychology, eh? It is getting to the point that we cannot go a full run without 50's or 60's.
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