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Everything posted by Bubbler86

  1. Not only are you in it for the long haul, you represent one of our most important locations. You are a tenured member, IMO.
  2. It would be a stunner (to me) if the Euro has much for the early weekend storm at this point.
  3. NOT Steph Curry throws up a buzzer beater and its rolling around the rim...will it drop?
  4. Neither of them have the needed resolution to do the job.
  5. The Ensemble members that showed a Hecs this weekend are Ben Simmons.
  6. I think most of the snow will be gone tomorrow (grass as well). I can already see grass because the massive amounts of sleet pushed that 5+" down to only 2". But it has been fun the last couple days.
  7. Up to 34 here already. The sun is turning the ice into slush and they are finally plowing the streets. Could not break the ice until now.
  8. It does not jive with the MA LR thread theme of no end in sight. I would put more weight in MU though.
  9. His most positive MR and LR (in a case of snow for the LSV) post I can recall of the ones you have copied over.
  10. Not used to having to scroll down to find our forum. Not enough going on in the sports world? When does Blizz take lunch? Did Paweather get stuck on Space Mountain while "working"?
  11. GFS almost captures the second weekend wave. It's rain for most of the Thursday event.
  12. That is how long it too for them to grow up new players from the ones that "got wet" last time.
  13. Been crazy busy this AM but saw some of the 6Z Euro stuff had backed down from the more amped up solution and moved to more of a slider. I think the EPS Control was one.
  14. It's going to take a beating tomorrow but my road is still a solid sheet of ice.
  15. HRRR has the event Thursday AM but with temps getting to near 50 on Wednesday, it starts off in the mid to upper 30's so rain/snow TV for the LSV...ending as snow. Could be some late accumulations on the roads as temps drop and definitely some icy roads via the snow or black ice on Thursday AM based on this depiction. 1-3" LSV with a bit more on ridges and near the M/D.
  16. Even the Ukie has latched on the model leading the way for this event. Still going to be tough with surface temps even if the precip does happen.
  17. Many schools over here on a 2 hr delay this AM. The side roads are in bad shape. Worse I have seen them, for 2 days after the storm, since I have moved here.
  18. I am sure. And I know some stuff really is important to get there next day but your safety is more important. I was sort of glad to hear you say it. We had a Wal-Mart delivery in the middle of the storm, last evening. It was a box of cat food! Crazy the driver put themselves in peril over that.
  19. 84 hour still has frz and sleet in Mexico. I find that even more amusing that the somewhat common snows there.
  20. It will lay on the snow already on the ground! Lol. If it is cold enough for road, it becomes high impact event.
  21. The nam had no snow in pa? I am assuming you mean too little snow in the lsv where it was too warm in the UL's.
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