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Everything posted by Bubbler86

  1. That sucks man. With that said...The Skook? How is that not Pillow worthy for ob's?
  2. Viruses on Windows are not nearly as prevalent anymore either. Its more about phishing like schemes and internet account management now.
  3. I do think the games were more interesting when it was all amateur.
  4. @Itstrainingtime, maybe this is also old news but NHL just dumped the Olympics.
  5. Hour 384 has more snow storms than any other hour as well!
  6. I forgot to reply to this. Your opinion is always welcome with me. Pessimist has been the call of the day so far. The MA forum is not too rosy right now.
  7. Every run has some optimism in it if you are willing to look beyond the cutters. LOL.
  8. That beard may harm your golf score. Give you equilibrium issues.
  9. The last few GFS runs, including 18Z, remind me of watching a dead animal on the road get run over time and time again. It's 384 hours of the same SE Ridge pushing SLP's to our West and North while keeping the boundary close enough to us to keep us cool but not cold or warm.
  10. 43 here so not too far off. It was not shorts weather that is for sure. That is part of the BS in this current pattern. Too warm to snow (too dry as well) but mostly too cold to enjoy.
  11. You already have some March truck washes scheduled? LOL
  12. I think I saw similar on the gfs. At least not far from there.
  13. Boy, you sure are getting a pass on your no winter posts.
  14. Where did the Task manager go? I keep right click on the task bar and no task manager! LOL
  15. The whole Chattanooga Choo Choo thing has been shut down with the trough in the west so I was not expecting snow but was not sure about wet.
  16. Did not check weather but the Steel may need something extracurricular to keep up in the game. Mahomes has been very squirrelly this year though. Worse than Dak.
  17. Nooners CMC did have several glancing blows of winter weather for the LSV.
  18. They used to make the puck glow on TV for you...but they put an end to that thankfully. I will say that if I had tickets to any Bowl games I would be slightly nervous. Probably not going to cancel but some cities may go overboard and force cancel.
  19. Did not realize it was last night...thought it was this AM. So old news for my nooners.
  20. It's snow and sleeting right now... ...in Charlotte, NC. LOL.
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