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Everything posted by Bubbler86

  1. Plus it's only January 11 on that map. Not even have way through met winter.
  2. Almost high noon. Down in MRB where it's sunny and 53. Home therm says 50.
  3. And post about other weather stuff, abnormalities and such, as needed without disdain from the crowd. Weather...it's the gift that keeps on giving all through out the year.
  4. Thanks, I did not do an exhaustive search vs. scanned. I knew we had the Dec day.
  5. Dec 27th has a high of 59 and several days where the highs are 60-63. Two days in Feb where it has not reached 60.
  6. Basically no chance of MDT breaking a record today. That stands as the warmest ever recorded temp in Dec (tied) of 75 in 1984. There are some days in Dec where the records are closer to what the HRRR is showing today in the low to mid 50's. MDT does have two days with record highs this month in the 16th and 17th.
  7. I had some opinions on the AM models, not all bad, but did not post because there seems to be a prevalent "only post if its good news" trend lately...at least for models.
  8. You got the Christmas Screw job. Left your area and it snowed.
  9. Up until the last year or two, the GFS/Fv3 always had something for us as well. Mostly digital only and eventually fleeting. Now the GFS is like the voice of reason. Ha.
  10. Tomorrow is not a snow tracking day. I was bemoaning the 60 run. Sucks. Hrrr has me getting to 56 or 57. Not so high on your side. Driving through all the snow covered landscape of western Adams and Cumberland County was great today but then I got home and ran through the next 5 days on the globals and it just sucked. Lol.
  11. Making a run for 60 tomorrow (west side of South mountain chain).
  12. Was just coming to post this. Very sad. Unexpected.
  13. Your spell checker screwed you there...probably.
  14. Not at all. I am just a bit downtrodden by what appears to be the end of the Jan 3rd threat. I thought it really had legs. If we start getting into Mid January still chasing 100+ hour threats, I am going to get sullen. LOL.
  15. I sprayed weed killer this AM because all these summer like weeds are growing like it is May.
  16. I need my SLP's to Get all DelMarVa ish but then you are at risk.
  17. That is how it rolls here in the Winter if we have a Southwest flow. The warm air funnels right up into my hood. Makes you realize that elevation is WAYYYYYYY over rated unless we are talking 3000+ feet. Got to 45 at High Rock today which is 2200 feet or so.
  18. The Jan 3/4th wave is definitely getting pounded in a bad way. Glad I took that drive today in case snow is indeed going to be rare this year.
  19. Wow, it made it to 47 here. Heavy chance of grass cutting in January
  20. Just took a beautiful drive to King's Gap in Cumberland County. No snow for the first quarter of it then a winter wonderland as I got into the eastern side of the ridges. 43 when I started and 33 at Caledonia.
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