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Everything posted by Birds~69

  1. A little stuff to the W starting to blossom/show up... 28F
  2. Some of the best gust of winds today within the past 1/2 hour...any chance of a firepit cancelled. 36F
  3. DROVE ME NUTS! Does he need a new Sears craftsman toolbox to fix things? Next week same shit, over and over. Best case scenario Hurst plays decently well (and improving) for the rest of the year but they lose every game and gain a higher draft pick. Oh yeah, weather. Been outside quite a bit and really is a good afternoon if you like colder temps/wind/low sun angle. Much better than 95F/HHH/allergies and with bugs F'n with me... 37F
  4. Means "I'm getting old". You have April til Oct+ to work on the boat...have a little fun with winter. Believe me I dig the outdoors/boating/fishing. Starting in April w/trout season....everything during the summer and ending with crabbing late Sept/early October..
  5. Is that confirmed? I picture Pederson throwing up a curveball and starting Wentz...
  6. It was a nice throw though...Wentz would have been sacked. Yeah, tomorrow morning should be cool. Just seeing flakes falling and cold temps....may be a Jeb walk morning?
  7. Possibly a couple flurries early Wednesday? But what I'm really looking forward to are the 55-60F temps Sat/Sun...woo hoo! 28F @ 11:10pm
  8. They can get screwed all winter and still end up w/10"+ more than our average...so 30" for them which isn't too shabby. No pity here... 35F
  9. Is Glenn waiting till March to put out his winter forecast or is he saying F-it, I'm getting too old for this and not chief Met any longer? Seen nothing online beside someone asked him 4 days ago on his FB w/no response...
  10. Isn't the Winter solstice two weeks from this Monday, the 21st?
  11. Yo Red Sky....major Red Sky going on here! Need to pick up a case a beer before the Birds...
  12. Kathy Orr.....near Lansdale, near me. Phone went off..
  13. Thunder/dark/rain here....may go do jumping jacks in the street to alert the neighbors.
  14. 32F @ 6:30am....super dead calm out which won't be the case tomorrow.
  15. Not all of us. I don't expect a 12+ event but smaller storms which will be a helluva lot better than last year... 36F/zero wind/clear skies
  16. Outside again....a bit colder than previous nights. 39F @ 9:30pm but not bad at all. The key is the winds are calm. The last thing I need is a windy night where an ember blows across the yard and sets my neighbors house on fire...
  17. Lived in Horsham for a good portion of my life (3-4 decades)....leaves were falling/grass growing way past mid Oct...trick/treat through leaves was super fun. Nov, still leaves but grass started to slow...end of Nov, clean up and done. I just don't see what the big shit is? After Monday (trashcans blowing again..lol)...temps/overnight temps will be average/below average til winter officially starts. Things level out......
  18. ^Just don't know why you're freaking out so much about overnight temps and grass growth? Things are pretty much normal down my way....front lawn hasn't grown in weeks and back yard a little. I'll rake up whatever leaves are left and mow the lawn this weekend and be done with it till next next year as usual. (End of Nov) Don't think temps have been so far off that would affect lawn growth.
  19. Damn man, you're a spaz-case. Overnight temps have nothing to do w/lawn growth....if it grows, cut it. I'll probably do my last leave rake/lawn cut this week which is normal. (last week Nov) 45F
  20. 48F @ 1:15am sitting around the fire pit. Dead calm wind....perfect setting. Monday looks interesting (or as interesting as it gets). 1"+ rains, winds (40+) w/the possibility of a storm. That being said, I wouldn't mind a potential snow event in the near future.(Think DT is a little revved up during the 2nd week Dec) Care less if it was only a 1-2" event....just something to get things started.
  21. Still pretty nice @ 8:30 w/temps in the low 50s, no wind and sitting around a firepit....
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