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Everything posted by wncsnow

  1. Yea it was pretty close for some. They had me at 2.2 or something like that but we had around 4.
  2. Despite what the radar looks like we are getting moderate to heavy rain in the foothills. Im closing in on 4"
  3. Hurricane Sandy brought snow to the mountains in 2012
  4. Seems like Sally lost some of the tropical moisture connection or was it robbed by some of the thunderstorms that formed?
  5. I'm at 3 now and will probably end up with 3.5 or so. Sally is moving quick now!
  6. I dont often run ahead of you but we had an inch last night from 1 to 4 a.m. from overrunning heavy showers
  7. Already 1.75 near Marion. NWS GSP map had a total of 2-3 inches last time I looked but thats going to be on the low end it appears
  8. 00Z NAM continuing the theme
  9. NAM has trended north too
  10. Euro has it spinning around in the western gulf for a while before heading towards Louisiana
  11. Yea I think there will be higher amounts in the favored upslope areas in the foothills and upstate. Euro may be catching on to this. The euro tracks it much further north as well
  12. Euro and UK went slightly north with the heaviest rain
  13. Euro and UKMET still shows heaviest rain for upstate and N GA with lighter amounts for the mountains. GFS is a bit further north along with the Hires NAM
  14. The mountains and foothills look to be on the northern edge for now and it's a good thing. Water levels are still high here and 5+ inches of rain would cause pretty big river flooding issues
  15. It's funny because he's in the bullseye to get at least 4 to 6 inches of rain if not more.
  16. Look who I found on Facebook up to his old tricks
  17. .45 here from the front. Well on my way to 10" again for the month if Sally gets us late this week
  18. We had another .45 today for a 3 day total of 3.35 and a monthly total of 4.3. Probably 3 to 5 more late this week. Another 10" month seems probable.
  19. I'm at 3.9 for the month already after 2.9 the past 2 days
  20. Ended up with 2.65. Don't think we will get much more tonight. I ended up with 2.9. I was thinking it may be a below average rainfall month but I'm right at average now
  21. We have been crushed today with over 2 inches of rain already..
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