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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. The hi res Canadian HERPEDERPES has it too. A bit lighter than GFS but like 0.5”-0.9” for the metro areas.
  2. Yeah the purples will verify NW right over DC.
  3. Damn, DC approaching 5” on the Kuchera map.
  4. Yeah looks like about 1” tonight/tomorrow morning for the metro areas.
  5. They’ll do their standard 5% chance of everything.
  6. We couldn’t make it to Blackwater Falls for sledding this morning as it was near white out conditions on 219. We turned around in Oakland, came back home, and went sledding here instead. Gorgeous day….got chili in the crockpot, fire going, and ready to watch playoff football. Down to 15.3.
  7. Let’s bring this mojo back home Tuesday.
  8. A ‘high’ of 23 earlier this morning and temps are dropping now. Currently 20 with mod snow. Heading to Blackwater Falls Park soon for sledding.
  9. Yeah, I didn’t know what upslope meant until I had a place at 2800 feet.
  10. You’d think PSU lives at Mt Washington or something.
  11. they should have kept the game tomorrow. Would have been epic https://x.com/jasrifootball/status/1746315273903186209?s=20
  12. 18z Euro upped the ante vs 12z. 1-3” with slightly higher amounts in central/northern MD.
  13. We should have multiple chances with that long wave pattern if it verifies. Way better than last winter when we were already tracking cherry blossoms.
  14. yeah, the plow guy took 90 minutes to clear our hill and driveway. This stuff is no joke…I’m surprised you didn’t break your shovel ha. Agreed, it’s definitely the “most winter” I’ve seen since then here. Roads were pretty slick as we headed to church earlier this evening. 19.7 with SN. Hard to tell how much we’ve gotten today with the winds today but I’d guess around 3”. WWA for another 2-5” overnight through tomorrow morning.
  15. Temp down to 21. Sitting on the porch with a hot toddy watching the snow fall. My partner said I’m crazy - I told him just wait til I stay up til 1a tonight to track 1” of snow at home Tuesday. Short video from the porch:
  16. Temp down to 25.9 with winds gusting into the 30s. Got a good snow shower blowing through and there’s 8-12” snow depth/glacier on the ground. You can walk on the snow without falling through to the bottom it’s so dense/frozen. And can’t go without a deck pic:
  17. With how old SV graphics look, that could be a snow map from 1989 honestly
  18. Yeah, we have a local plow guy do it. We live up at the top of an unpaved hill - I wasn’t expecting this much snow to be on the ground so we didn’t call to get our hill plowed. Luckily made it up to the house (a few spots where I didn’t think we would) but he’s coming in the morning to plow the hill. 4WD and snow tires FTW!
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