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Everything posted by Tacoma

  1. Hey is anyone else getting those pop ups everytime you go from one topic to the other, very annoying.
  2. warm and rain,same old same old, but thinking things will change to the cold and snowy side end of next week.
  3. I doubt it, then everyone would say its to cold to snow, it's a very fine line, its warm we get rain or its to cold and the storm gets shoved to Mexico
  4. where is the cold air when we need it, warm and rain or cold and sunny.
  5. The dreaded warm nose, what has to happen to not have to deal with the warm nose in a storm, seems like back in the 60's and 70's with the great winters we had you never heard of a warm nose, it stayed plenty cold during most if not all the storms and the precipitation stayed snow. So what does it take to not have to worry about the warm nose?
  6. Awful quiet in here, I guess that tells me NEXT. Man we just can’t get the cold air to hang around for three or four days.
  7. Well Jason Boyer on WLOS said this will be a nuisance event, I still thought we were far enough away from the event to where things could change overnight. I don't think I would have said one way or the other right now since there is plenty of time for the models to change. I remember last year when Jason said we would probably only see an inch and we got a foot in Candler and the Asheville area.
  8. Hey do you guys keep getting the pop ups at the bottom of the page, sometimes also the top of the page but mostly the bottom, very annoying. You know fellows is winter going to ever arrive, at least the cold air, this is ridiculous.
  9. I know where is the cold air, wake up each morning hoping to see some sign of the cold returning to have a chance to get all this moisture frozen.
  10. I hate its mid to late January, why can't it be early January til March for a change, for once at least. wish it was as easy to get cold and snow as it is to get cold and warm and rain.
  11. wow looking at the radar the precip hits a brick wall on the NC Virginia border like a wall has been built there.
  12. moderate snow in Candler NC just west of Asheville, ground is covered now.
  13. sorry HT, just disappointed I guess, didn't won't to hear that, very let down, I do appreciate your input muchly.
  14. Was thinking from everything I see and just heard Jim Cantore say WNC will be snow and the warm nose comes in to play down around the piedmont.
  15. GSP saying should be a mostly snow event was the latest forecast around Asheville.
  16. Can't believe GSP has Asheville under a WSW and for 1 to 8 inches of snow during the event from start to end. I would have thought more like 12 to 20 during the whole event. That is unreal 1 to 8 inches. I mean with what the models keep coming out with that is a joke. I even see where winds will be gusting to 50 miles an hour at times, sounds more like Blizzard conditions. Most everything I've looked at and maps I've seen keeps from Hendersonville north mostly if not all snow during the whole event.
  17. Not a Alabama fan but I think they're the best team in the country once again.
  18. Hey do you guys keep getting the pop ups at the bottom of the page, sometimes also the top of the page but mostly the bottom, very annoying.
  19. Have 10 inches and 29 degrees here in West Asheville, still snowing, so much for an inch or two is what was said Thursday evening, what a great surprise.
  20. to early for a lawn and garden thread, threats for winter weather still good for the mtns. until April 15 , maybe April 1st I'll be ready for some garden talk and lawn talk but not until, still holding out for more winter weather.
  21. Asheville has had seven inches of snow so far this winter, looking for the other six inches I hope before spring, our season average is 13 inches.
  22. Calm down my friend, this is a discussion site and yes my grass is growing, maybe not yours, I'm glad you can tell me its not growing when you haven't even seen it, I guess I can tell you what is going on at your place.
  23. Digging out the lawn mower today, never thought I would be doing this in mid February. I don't think I can remember a winter quite this bad. My daughter in New Hampshire had 24 inches in a blizzard 2 days ago and now it has been snowing all day again thru Monday with another 2 feet possible, we can't even get an inch to show up on a fantasy map. Terrible.
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