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Everything posted by Juliancolton

  1. I'd really love to see a flake here at some point if it's not too much trouble, no worries if not
  2. I'm hedging toward a healthy 4-6 in the valley. The show is probably wrapping up by 12 am Sunday which doesn't leave a ton of time to pile it up, but should still be a nice appetizer for later in the month
  3. Pretty much. I-81 was at a standstill through much of Virginia on my way to and from Greenville in 2017. I think most experts expect even higher travel rates for this one.
  4. Would be fun. Might be time to plan something...
  5. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all. I hope everyone's having fun with family or at least making it through.
  6. 2.75" in the gauge with a couple breaks of sun at 60F.
  7. It's always amazing to me when people can remember details about storms more than, like, 3 years ago
  8. 3.03" per the tipper (likely inflated a bit), had a pasty 0.4" of snow this morning which is now a distant memory with breaks of sun and temps climbing back into the upper 30s
  9. Pretty much impossible to cut a fresh tree around here this weekend - most local farms had closed for the season by last weekend due to lack of supply, and some never opened at all this year. The demand has been unprecedented the last three years. We ended up with one of the last decent trees at the last farm we checked.
  10. I got 0.2". It's too bad the pack is getting wiped out on Sunday
  11. Yeah, it was a beautiful morning for a while. Bummer that we're about to lose another weekend to rain. Tree farms ftl.
  12. Quickly approaching 50 here. Heck of a way to run a December.
  13. Sleet/rain mix here at 35F with a little white in the corners of mulch beds
  14. Low of 17 here to set the stage for a nice mild rainfall tonight. Winter's back, baby!
  15. I've had a little bit of grauple at home, but that's it. It's getting pretty late in the season without measurable snow as far as my personal records are concerned.
  16. Nice coatings and minor accums in the Litchfield hills. Just wet and soggy here
  17. I've already abandoned hope for 24 but 2025 will be my year for sure, mark it
  18. Yeah, for all the talk this week about a nice weekend, today's wx couldn't have been much worse
  19. The clouds and showers capped me at 80, what a waste
  20. It'll easily get into the 80s again here. Good thing we had a few -3 days in the middle of the month or else these +17 days would feel pretty toasty
  21. 33 here. The fake cold is even faker than usual.
  22. Some pictures from around Minnewaska in the Shawangunks (near New Paltz) on Friday afternoon, during what must have been the peak hours of foliage before the heaviest rain began
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