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Everything posted by codfishsnowman

  1. a lot can go right/wrong in the next 36 hours so we just have to be patient and hope for the best
  2. you guys in the Hamden/Wallingford zone have been on fire in this regime.....not far from Taunton in jps
  3. i do think we could get some snow back here but i feel like we will be watching the end of the world in eastern zones once again
  4. amazing though 50 inches...i am sure there have been other coastals that parked a band there...wonder if any eclipsed that?
  5. in the new era of the past 15-20 years when 1-2 footers have become commonplace they are sharing similar company with esne
  6. Tip brought up an awesome memory the other day from the 1986 mid November bowling ball I was in middle school and just did not believe the forecast, the two years prior it had a remarkably hard time snowing a few inches in the dead of winter woke up to thunder lightning and moderate to heavy snow around 2 am...wound up with 4 to 6 inches of paste in central ct, but back then I don't remember hearing about eastern zones getting crushed....figures lol but where I lived at the time that winter actually turned out okay, especially considering winters before and after that decade....we had 50 inches that winter
  7. where were you for that one and how much?
  8. I love this weather, I will these chilly dark days with an occasional bluebird 70 max (like today) through November
  9. lol at the thread title spelling
  10. the coast gets warm on nw flow this time of year Kevin
  11. yea!! get rid of this heat coming tomorrow
  12. yes, this is from an outsider....your season is off to another snoozefest of a start regression from 2011 continues??? twc chasing hail producing tstorms that only have some broad rotation....i mean really....
  13. ugh those storms both of them...both the 05 and 15 bitter cold jan events....heart breakers for many western and some central interior folk, both promising feb 13 totals from big models and neither one delivering more than a moderate to moderate heavy run of the mill snowstorm over many many hours of snow i hated both events personally although from a met perspective they were pretty amazing but just goes to show that those type of events will ALWAYS favor the coast, the hfd spfd corridor north and west will always be on the outside looking in with those events...the storms really have to track inside the benchmark...jan 96 was on the weaker side in the hfd spfd area as well compared to just about everywhere else, some bad data exists on that event but the big 20 plus inch totals were confined to higher elevations and south (mostly well south west) of hartford ct...actually some eastern and south eastern zones kind of got screwed a bit from that event... id like to see a widespread two to three foot event from 195 nw with very cold temps
  14. who really knows how they measured down there anyways
  15. thank god i wasnt in springfield back then had about a foot plus overall in Bristol Ct...even the day it poured slush from the sky there was a couple inches of it...then when the winds shifted it snowed like crazy that next night for a few hours and pretty good into late morning Saturday...best depth we had was 10-11 inches but we legitimately had a good 13 inches as some of the slush compacted and there was a surprise inch in one last band that came through later Saturday Night after there had actually been some partial clearing...my friend who lived in Wolcott CT had at least two feet and had a foot alone the first day when we had the slush, I remember taking a ride up there two days later and there was still close to twenty inches on the ground while by that time we had compacted to six or seven... really cool storm though and i thought it was pretty well forecast a couple days in advance
  16. you live in spfd or northampton???? its remarkably real for us folk!!! its not overplayed at all in fact its like THE BIG PINK ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM that very few are brave enough to talk about.
  17. i forecasted 8 to 14 in my logbook for spfd and i busted horribly....i forecasted 12 to 15 for a friend in middletown ct and she says they are well over a foot
  18. i agree its def 10 to 1 or less....still though not even half of the lowest amounts on box map.....i never bought 20 inch plus forecasts but i thought we were good for 12 to 15 or so.
  19. in defense , there were some posters that knew something wasnt right and wondered what okx was seeing that they werent....despite all their epic events over the past few years i feel bad for them....it really sucks and were talking a huge area from albany to ttn and phl to hfd/spfd up to greenfield that was promised warning to crippling snowfall amounts
  20. the radar hasnt looked that bad last few hrs overhead its just lots of tiny needle like flakes that dont really add up
  21. lol some of us just will, stay up and watch this debacle back this way. You know over the past couple days I would get annoyed with your analysis but I have to hand it to you. You nailed this system with the eastern capture two days ago and that this was really just a ene event. Well done man, for real.
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