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Everything posted by DomNH

  1. Not pounding west of exit 6. -SN.
  2. Off an on flurries have evolved into a more consistent flurry. Getting saturated finally.
  3. Definitely think there has been a small shift of the real good stuff from ASH-Ray area down to the ORH area. Thinking that's where we see the biggest numbers and this area is just a little bit on the outside looking in.
  4. Not necessarily. Will is right that it's easier to ramp up than ramp down, but I don't see this as a setup that's going to be producing totals that you'd really need to ramp up from 8-14''. Ok, maybe if things break perfect you throw eastern areas in a 10-16'' zone, but I think this one has a ceiling somewhere around that 14'' number.
  5. Don't need to slave away at calculus and physics to be a good forecaster lol.
  6. Cranking pretty good here. Came in like a wall.
  7. Hey, sometimes we score some shoulder season paste that south of Rt 2 misses out on.
  8. Still a heavy, heavy pack here. We’ll see what it looks like tomorrow morning.
  9. My friends and I were hanging out at Martha's during the slush fest a couple weeks ago. Nice spot to watch the snow with the big picture windows looking out at Main St.
  10. Downtown weenie walk to grab dinner was very pleasant. Very festive out there.
  11. Yeah was just going to post. Currier and Ives stuff.
  12. Actually coming down pretty decently here.
  13. That WCB death band at about 2 am was insane. I was half asleep so I didn't really look but it actually might've been more like 1/8 sm vis with perfect dendrites. Had to have been 2-3''/hr stuff.
  14. Dim sun and flurries now. Hard to complain about pulling almost a foot the week before Christmas. Congrats to the Merrimack County peeps.
  15. I'm going to try out my parents' new Cub Cadet three stage later on. My dad says it kicks ass.
  16. I'm pretty sure @HoarfrostHubb was doing naked snow angels in like 2 feet of powder during Oct '11 while back east we were playing cards by candlelight. You guys definitely do get in on those ML bands sometimes.
  17. Last couple of hours helped. Just sucks watching people 40 minutes north get absolutely croaked.
  18. It has been coming down nicely for the last hour or so. Double digits by the skin of our teeth.
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