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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. I was thinking maybe an island on Lake Superior. She will like our December cutters… “reminds me of an Oklahoma rain storm in October.”
  2. I can’t imagine living in the 60s and 70s. lol
  3. Nice man. Good luck. I didn’t know Cordeira left Plym.
  4. WAA on NW flow is always fun. We’re getting a Mid Atlantic summer.
  5. Yeah it’s been okay. Still more of a have not than a have, but any helps. The dry weekend will evaporate the sfc moisture quickly. Soil sensor at 6” is still 89cb which is bone dry.
  6. Us foothill weenies don’t count. It was probably a record 85+ stretch for us instead.
  7. I guess. But we haven’t had many of these types of days. It’s been a relentless onslaught of 90s.
  8. Who said yesterday and today were supposed to be torches? These days looked like shat going back to last week.
  9. Hey I’m on board. But I can just imagine some posts this weekend from the cooler wx lovers wondering what happened to the COC.
  10. Yeah racked up the sheet drizzle for a few hours. With hot and dry coming that isn’t going to do much to help the plants, but it’s better than nada.
  11. May 2.01” June 2.49” July 1.20” I’m used to getting that in a month…not a season.
  12. Lol. Drenching barely north of me and ponding in CON. Missing it all at home. The screw jobs have been relentless. I have parts of my backyard going brown now. I haven’t seen that in my 19 summers there.
  13. It’s hard to get to normal when we’re plowing these heat plumes toward James Bay. Like you said, lots of over the top heat waves for NNE over the last few years.
  14. Get on the little wooden dinghy and breathe those dews in right through mid Sep.
  15. This is kind of insane for an 11-15d ens mean.
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