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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Maybe winter will suck but lol at losing your mind over lack of snow in SNE on 12/13. Imagine canceling summer in early June because we haven’t had dews yet.
  2. A friend of mine in Jersey sent me a zoomed in pic. Not sure what it means.
  3. You can see the front pushing east on velocity.
  4. Yeah…decent upslope assist to the cooling on the western slopes.
  5. It’s not coming in quick without some wind/caa.
  6. Basement is flooding. Lots of rain to go. Stein is a Fraud 6 here.
  7. Yeah I’m resigned to my wedged fate. CON may flirt with not warm sectoring either although an hour or two of 50+ is more likely.
  8. 31.9° -RA No real accretion although the coop stairs were a little slick
  9. I think your shot is in that 21-00z window. So near sunset until about 7-8pm.
  10. 31.9° with R/ZR I don’t think it’s glazing that much though.
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