Buddy boy, as we grow older...we learn when to pick battles, and when to die on the hill. Me thinks there can be extreme stances on both sides of this particular "hill".
If one looks at the qpf distribution and timeframe, it really doesnt lend a hand in your argument IMO. OTOH, yes we live in a polarized era in many ways, and I'm sure that many alarmist do whatever they can to "influence" the perceived weather.
The more meaningful assessment IMO is how we seem to do the "extremes" better than ever. Dry for days and days, to rain for days and days....
Soil water content is a better indicator to who gets the D label and who doesnt. Much of what we recieved has been in relatively short timespans, and was likely runoff, and not absorbed, and when we did get long duration...some of us got .05 in a few day total (KLNS data).
While i havent looked, I'm thinking it still is on the low side in the areas shown on the drought map.