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Everything posted by amarshall

  1. Sunday River was so over the top it was comical. Roving ski patrollers going through every line arguing the most miniscule mask protocol. My mask covered half my nose down 1/2" and he made a point to come chase me down. Back to the Loaf we go.
  2. Loaf is a completely different world than Sunday river in COVID attitudes like everything else. Way more relaxed at the loaf. People respectful with masks but not crazy. .
  3. If you get the New England pass you get sugarloaf too .
  4. Sunday River was fantastic today. Snowed all day. Close to 1” . Saturday was windy and firm. Still in really good shape . They have a long way to go. .
  5. NVAX 96% efficacy. We run tomorrow.
  6. Yeah just saw that forecast. Still going
  7. Last weekend for us at Sunday River. Forecast looks perfect Sat/Sun
  8. Another monkey hammering in the market today. I have no more powder to buy.
  9. Hundreds of power trucks heading north on the Maine turnpike. Was there an icing event in northern Maine? Maybe they're returning from Texas? Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
  10. My brother is at Snowbird this week. Interlodge travel restrictions most days. Said it was 11/10 inbounds.
  11. Loaf 11/10. Cold. No wind. No lines. Not an ounce of ice. As good as it gets.
  12. I held CGC from $50, bought more at $30 watched it go $15 and back to $55.
  13. Finally got into the death band. Just nuking. Full unfettered nudity. Yoga pants are off. 3" so far.
  14. Hoping for 8-10" in Duxbury. Looks like the right spot.
  15. I will be at target grabbing more toasters for the bath tub Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
  16. We had glorified white rain. Now just straight rain. Kids wanted to go pond skating. Not a chance in hell now.
  17. Final call here is 3". Heading for the bath. Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
  18. Moving that rain /snow line a few ticks east. Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
  19. We have a negligible amount in Robinhood to teach my 11 yr old to trade. If he loses his very profitable account over the weekend he's going to learn a hard lesson. Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
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