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Everything posted by tavwtby

  1. i think the last one, number 4 was CG...hard to tell, but it was very close
  2. gotta say was not expecting that at all, roads are becoming a little slick, at least the back roads are
  3. definitely a lightening strike, that's two now
  4. any obs of a lightening strike in NW CThills? could have sworn we all heard thunder...btw, ip/needles for the last hour, down to 31/30, almost changed on a dime here.
  5. closing in on an inch...of rain... still at 34/32, winss now ENEat5 gusting to 12...i can see the hill in the distance that's probably about 1200', and it appears to be glazed at the top half of the hill, can't be positive of that but it would make sense. reports from Norfolk are some accretion.
  6. down to 34/33 in Winsted and the wind has picked up and shifted to the east now, hopefully any ice holds until my wife gets home
  7. currently raining at 38/24...dews are low
  8. yeah I'm not digging this map... another please...one thing I don't like is ice, i can deal if it is on top of the snow but straight ice sucks
  9. i hear you man... that was one of the worst I've seen, I still have some patches in the driveway where sun didn't hit that are an inch of ice
  10. not liking my spot for this at all... I'd rather cold rain than another half inch of ice on an inch of snow is like concrete... spots in my driveway are still like an inch of ice, that was nuts
  11. thanks, that's what I thought but kept thinking 09 for some reason, iirc that December sucked until that, and the following month was epic
  12. which year was the boxing day storm, it escapes me..
  13. and I was supposed to go to NTS in Boxborough this morning, would have taken me forever to get there..
  14. yeah, literally 7 miles away from me it's snowing...ha, I wasn't really feeling this one from go anyway, but anything to whiten the ground and maybe a good squall tomorrow then deep freeze, deep winter
  15. meh...got about one inch before the flip, and that happened between 3 and 6, cause it was snowing at 3, and full scalping at 6... frigid though 25/21, and radar says I'm snow but it ain't...
  16. oh yeah, i actually like driving in it, the one thing I don't like though is that ice...on top of snow I'm fine, if it falls then snows, it's a skating rink
  17. 27/15...& OVC, by the looks of downstream returns, I think we flip quick.. maybe an inch or two, and then the plethora of ptype...and I have a Xmas party tomorrow afternoon, should be a blast driving the scenic route home from BDL...
  18. looks juicier to me.. but a tick north... think the 850s gon ruin the fun for a bit...1-3, then slop the frigid
  19. man if that PV lobe was just a bit faster...
  20. full on SN now, vis down to about a mile, maybe a bit more, but starting to coat the colder wet areas, gonna be a hella commute tomorrow morning, especially up 219 through barkhamsted into Granby
  21. yeah, I just checked the actuals from my station and not the WU app, and I'm at 35/31...so there's some discrepancy there, but you can definitely feel it and the returns look pretty good SW, just hope they stay together and we drop quicker... maybe a couple inches tonight, don't expect more than that here. be nice if there was tho, replace what I lost...
  22. wet snow now, but still a ways to go temp wise, sitting at 36/36
  23. same here, temp is dropping steadily tho, and I see a few wet flakes mixing in..
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