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Everything posted by DavisStraight

  1. I remember that, he was a loner on a long trip. Mountain lion killed in Connecticut prowled east from S. Dakota | Reuters
  2. How many shots does he get in your league? If a 14 played a 4 in our league he would just get one shot on the par 4 and 5's with none on the par 3's.
  3. What brand Tip? The one's I tried were like rubber but I know there's quite a few on the market now.
  4. Im not sure I could reach it in 3. I think it's Hampden Golf Course that has a par 5 that's about that long. It took me a driver, 3 wood and I think I used a rescue club to get to the green.
  5. I wonder how that dude who put his life savings in Dogecoin and saw it go over a mill, maybe he gets the 10 mill he's waiting for or maybe he loses his life savings. I would have cashed out at a mill myself.
  6. Probably the same will happen with crypto's but I don't mind taking a chance with a couple lottery tickets. We'll see what happens in the next couple of weeks.
  7. I got one of those propane weed burners last week, caught one of my bushes on fire, good thing I had a jug of water while I was doing it just in case,
  8. Moderna, I got it yesterday morning and felt ok yesterday, tossed and turned all night with a headache so I've been taking tylenol, it's not bad, I can live with it, just needed to rest tonight.
  9. I got my second shot yesterday, feel like crap today, feverish and tired, hopefully it's a one day thing.
  10. They'll be a few AMX weather forum millionaires if that happens.
  11. Gold up, I think this has been the start of the next leg up, I'm loaded on gold stocks so hopefully made the right decision.
  12. Don't most people that don't have central AC have those newer floor models that takes 5 minutes to vent out the window?
  13. Healthy correction . Seems most are just using play money, better than lottery odds.
  14. I still think the best way to play these cryptos is the way to play penny stocks. Buy a basket of cheap ones like safemoon and hope one takes off like Dogecoin.
  15. I'm going to jump in too, its a lottery ticket so let it ride.
  16. A few companies are coming out with cannabis infused seltzers, like this company Cannabis-infused seltzers from LEVIA launching in Massachusetts with indica, sativa and hybrid blends - masslive.com
  17. I think my wife does, she carries insurance for me since I'm self employed, I can ask her when she has some time.
  18. Their goalie is vulnerable if they can get some shots on goal.
  19. They had some type of smoke show pregame, Jack wasn't impressed
  20. I wondered why you took such good pics, I didn't realize you were a professional.
  21. Everyone around me calls them May flies, probably because they're at their worst in May.
  22. In Mass you have to hire a landscaper that has access to those herbicides, I have the same problem, I golf with a landscaper and he told me what to use and had the same problem, won't ship to me. In the meantime I constantly spray it with weed killer and it keeps them under control. I'm going to call a couple landscapers this year to see if they take care of them.
  23. Bite down on a stick or something similar while you wife does it, it'll be over in a second, like ripping off a band aid.
  24. I've had that problem with mine, probably just need to clean or rebuild the carburetor, ethanol does a number on them. I only used non ethanol gas in my chainsaw. Ethanol is terrible stuff for small engines.
  25. I had to have mine yanked one time, a new one will grow in nice. I dropped a piece of cordwood on my toe and it got infected so maybe different than yours but still hurt like a mofo, I hobbled for a couple weeks before I went to the doc.
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