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Everything posted by Jebman

  1. Don't forget the infamous Leesburg/Rockville/HoCoMoCo/NW DC deathband. That ALWAYS sets up. Thats another usual jackzone.
  2. I am really not that important, but you guys all deserve snow, and you WILL get snow, and lots of it, next week. That will make my day as well, I love to see Mid Atlantic posters very happy in the midst of a good snowstorm.
  3. You will not bury The Jebman. I say the Mid Atlantic WILL see deep snows THIS winter. I dont have no Deb. It was 84/58 in Austin today and I still dont feel the Deb, because what makes all right in the world for me, is the Mid Atlantic getting deep accumulating snows. I'll gladly take 112 degrees in Austin if it would help Washington DC and Rockville MD get four feet of pow driven by 40 mph northerly winds at 10 degrees. I want you guys to get COLD SMOKED but good! And, you WILL get them - within the next 4 weeks. The snow will be heavy and deep and everything will get shut down and OPM will be a total disaster and snow lovers will be so happy they will be in orbit!
  4. I understand the Mid Atlantic is in for some mild weather, just before some accumulating snows. Well tomorrow Austin will likely eclipse 90 degrees lol. I am getting a very early start on summer lol. I am pulling hard for you guys to get some good snows in the next few days! I dont mind very warm weather down here in Texas, IF it helps DC get heavy deep snow!
  5. If this entire moisture stream was all snow for DC............................. The Mid Atlantic would be totally paralyzed by deep deep snow, probably on the order of 30 to 40 inches of snow, with fully 4 feet in the mountains. Snow weenies would be awake for a solid WEEK. It extends from my present backyard in south central Texas, clear to DC and beyond. I would give anything at all for this to be all snow for DC. Even if I had to live in the central Amazonian jungle for the rest of my life.
  6. I was really pulling hard for more snow for you guys.
  7. These comments on CWG LOLZ https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2019/02/10/pm-update-messy-wintery-mix-moves-tonight-probably-causing-issues-monday-morning-commute/?utm_term=.6b3cd742ec7b McGanahan skjellyfetti carrying on about misspellings lmfao! His name is one big misspelling! I damn near choked to death on my Red Bull!
  8. This is an excellent night to hit up Rt 28 North to Rt 7 then Rt 9 right by Paeonian Springs. Rt 9 is a winter paradise. They'll end up with 6 inches of fresh snow with a nice crust of pure ice on top. Then Go to CharlesTown, play the quarter slot and win 2500 dollars Jebman style.
  9. Hopefully not until Thursday. I want DC to get shellacked by snow
  10. Hopefully storm will go BOOM with snow
  11. It'll end in total annihilation --- Of the Mid Atlantic in snow.
  12. You will get absolutely demolished.
  13. I do have a Jebman Shovel but there was only enough sleet accumulation to scoop with my hands. I piled what i could on the north side of the house. It is still there, it has been cloudy all day. There was sleet on the roofs, on the car, and on the ground but after a few hours most had melted except near the house and where I piled it. I had a 7 inch pile of pure sleet on the north garden where the sleet slid off a hammock. We got about a third of an inch of sleet from a thundersleet system. It simply POURED heavy sleet for 15 minutes! I heard rumbles of thunder as the sleet became heavy. Sleet pellets were mostly a sixteenth of an inch across. The sleet even managed to accumulate on the roads! Good times. I hope you guys get a ton of pure snow very soon.
  14. This is heading northeast to DC, and it will be all snow.
  15. It probably sleeted for 10 minutes. There is about a quarter to a third of an inch of sleet on the ground. It is on the roof, on my car and it is just laying there. Temperature is 34 with a dewpoint of 14. Got north winds gusting to 30 mph, decent refreshing wind chills. Never ever expected to get thundersleet here lol.
  16. We are officially having a winter storm here in south central Texas. Steady light to moderate sleet! Parts of the ground are actually turning white, lol 34/14 with moisture overrunning the cold air down here. Northwest Hill Country is reporting snow. You guys are up next for accumulating snows. Mid Atlantic will get demolished. EDIT: This is a bona fide thundersleet, heavy sleet with one sixteenth to one eighth of an inch in diameter sleet balls. Ground is covered a quarter inch deep in sleet down here. My car has three inches of sleet at the base of the windshield. Thunder can be heard. I never expected to see this down here.
  17. You're not in the Northeast but you are still gonna get crushed by heavy pure snow later this month. May even happen in March as well. Crushed as in totally annihilated, totally destroyed, everything shuts down for days and days. Good times.
  18. You know you can hardly wait to dig that snow. Pile it up right after it falls, on the north side of your house. The rain might not be able to wash all of it away. Better yet, set up a tarp over the snow piles. Fight for your snow! DO NOT GO GENTLY INTO THE NIGHT lol.
  19. Thanks. Dad was a very good man too. I miss him a lot. Sometimes I wish I had stayed home and watched more football with him some nights instead of going on jebwalks. I am sure I will see snow again someday. I miss the snow, but what I REALLY miss, are the COLD TEMPS. South central TX is slightly milder than Dale City Va lol. Anyone remember this? https://list.uvm.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind0201D&L=skivt-l&P=R11466 Set your stout down. You are gonna laugh out loud. That enough snow for you guys? LOL
  20. Thanks, I'll enjoy the snows right with y'all lol, and I'll cheer you all on! This month aint finished yet in the snow department in the Mid Atlantic. You'll see. Models will be all over the place. Big surprise, massive disaster for rush hours, MULTIPLE rush hours. Pack snow kits in case you have to shelter in place at work or in your cars. Storm later this month will go unprecedentedly boom, models will be total confusion, many will be completely taken by surprise, OPM will be a complete catastrophe. This is a time of unprecedented extremes, extreme up and downs in temperature and precipitation extremes.
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