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Everything posted by wthrmn654

  1. Omg that was 8 posts in a row, you can't argue its busy here now so why not embrace multipost? Resistance is futile
  2. So we went from seeing March looking warm then suddenly Everly went to the cold view, now we're back to warmer? Someone please give a summary of what things are currently hinting/ suggesting. Please and thank you!
  3. Being I work for state parks I'll take a cold crappie less warm sunny weather for a long as possible! Keeps all the crazy people, city people, tourists away lol
  4. No I know that you said that but I said on the side, that's going downhill too.
  5. Ah that one's going downhill too imo
  6. Usa? I got posting rights removed lol was peaceful when someone wasn't around.
  7. Public transit bus took out an entire phone pole here in orient, roads open and stuff but the bus is pretty messed up lol Icy icy
  8. So much freezing rain happening now with sleet. Moderate to heavy! Had to get out to check if it was droplets or ice forming in the trees lol
  9. 7 am update was last update from nws then l at that point surface temps were slowly warming lol
  10. Idk what's falling but it's nasty painful to the ears, sleet wise and my fingers hurt lol from print the salt spreader on truck just now at work. Off last 2 days and I assumed we wouldn't get much at all, if course always opposite when you don't prep lol
  11. Pure snowing, sticking to all surfaces treated and untreated! Apparently there's a ton more cold air higher up and down low lol
  12. It's straight up snowing again and it's collecting on main roads that dot salted odd
  13. In on orient, furthest part of LI lol But yes briefly my station went to 34 but that's 15 feet out more up from surface it's dropped again
  14. Woooo. Serious cold air fight right now, temp did go up to 34. Crashed back to 32!
  15. I'm so confused there's a serious cold warm battle going on! I thought for sure I was done setting frozen. It was moderate sleeting before, now it looks like pixie dust snow/ rain.. wtf lol and temps looks to be dropping again
  16. As I and several said colder air is holding out stronger then forecast, nam bust.
  17. All of Long Island is now under a Winter Weather Advisory through this morning`s commute. Large dewpoint depressions preceding the precip onset along with a more backed wind flow than what was modeled is helping keep temps across LI at or just below freezing early this morning with a slow warmup as the morning commute progresses. Blended in HRRR hourly temps with the previous forecast to better capture the temperature trends. Otherwise, more sleet and freezing rain and less snow has occurred than previously thought. Snow/sleet accumulations have been lowered, however ice accretion forecast has been bumped up in many areas, but still within advisory criteria. For coastal areas, the ice accumulation will be primarily on untreated surfaces as temps will likely be at least 30. Farther inland, better chances of accretion of all surface as temps are in the mid to upper 20s. The previously existing Winter Weather Advisories remain unchanged for timing, but snow/sleet and ice accumulations have been adjusted accordingly.
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