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Everything posted by Ericjcrash

  1. ICON gone. 1 step forward and 2 steps back.
  2. It's not digging though. Way more flat than most guidance. Not pumping heights and cutting to Rochester.
  3. If the UK holds we're probably into something especially considering the look at 90hrs on the 18z EURO
  4. Need to recite 12 Hail Queen Elizabeth's
  5. On the GFS it really appears to want pop a secondary SLP over TN at 102. Can even see wind wind rotation.(at least I want to)
  6. Not written in stone but the carvings in progress are becoming increasingly negative.
  7. It's great to have the UK on our side and actually trending South. But it's only got the ICON and IBM DT with it. Everything else is a mid 50s torch.
  8. Agreed. Going to need a widescale cave to UK/ICON and quickly.
  9. No. But not looking good for anything significant atm.
  10. Ok but even 10° colder most of SNE is fine.
  11. Maybe without the power to track another system the rest of the year.
  12. Not the UK. That cant be ignored. ICON as well, but that could be ignored...for now.
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