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Everything posted by Ericjcrash

  1. Yeah, but 6z GFS has gone NW. Still better than 18z yesterday.
  2. I was halfway to the pavement. Pretty sweet look on the GEFS. Pretty remarkable shift for an ensemble.
  3. Looks ever so slightly inside the BM but that should get the job done.
  4. Which began its cave at 18z. Hopefully its identical to UK most people would be happy. H5 this evening has been gorgeous.
  5. Lock it up. Don't like the west tick but considering where we were 3 hours ago we can't get Greedy. Need the PV to squash this.
  6. Yeah but we need to know the lead up to that.
  7. But what happens just before? The anticipation is killing me.
  8. But it didn't. I get your reasoning but the negativity with this system was 2 days of run after run of cutters.
  9. Yeah. Pretty epic look. But will hold on for UK before I get giddy.
  10. Hail to the Queen. Talk about a shift. About as dramatic a one run shift as can be.
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