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Lava Rock

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Everything posted by Lava Rock

  1. we'll see. Would be nice to get some needed rain even if it runs off.
  2. Tapatalk not working again. Is this intentional as it's occurred in the past. Thanks
  3. But once it's established (ie- thicker lawn) it would do ok right? I mean, in times of drought, I'd expect some dormancy and drying out, but I'm envisioning this with a much thicker lawn. I say this because our existing, older lawn closer to the house does dry out too with limited rain, but it's quite thick and bounces back. The hard part is getting the thicker lawn to establish. I think I goofed and should have had underground sprinklers in place before we did the hydroseed. Mother nature hasn't delivered much liquid over the past three summers.
  4. you've got a good eye, but to clarify, the pic is from last July, 1 month after we hydroseeded. It wasn't until late Sept that I slit seeded using KBG. It grew in spots (not everywhere) to about 0.5", but that was it. I contacted the company I bought it from and they wanted to sell me their ferilizer, but I had already laid down my own fert. Ini any case, once the snow melted and April was here. the grass looked the same, but then started to yellow and that was the end. All we've got now is whatever grass was in the hydroseed, weeds and clover.
  5. It probably could but I'd be afraid of running the well dry. It's 500', so plenty of water in the hole, but it only has 1.5GPM flow to replenish. Pretty slow. My buddy insists on hiring a dowser and claims they could find plentiful water near where we would drill a new well. Maybe we could be so lucky as to hit a hand dug well spot, but I doubt it.
  6. Are any storms going to materialize? Radar looks weak.
  7. tongue in cheek right? seriously though I've thought that by watering with uranium water may actually kill the grass eventually. is this remotely possible?
  8. Unfortunately no. Our well water has high levels of uranium which we have filtration for, but we also have radon in water vapor which is also mitigated. the system is only capable of treating ~50gal at a time before recharge. Using this water for irrigation would overload the sys. I have valves in place to bypass sys, but doing that brings the radon vapors back into the shower water, dishwasher, washer, etc. Only way to do it right is to drill another well ($5,000), then install sprinklers (~$3-4K). We're going to redo the other side of the house this Fall which will be $3-4K. We've spent so much money on lawn stuff and to see it look the way it does feels like we threw a bunch of money away. We could bring in sod and that would probably die too.
  9. I knew this going in, but expected some growth. In contrast, check out how good the lawn looked last july. This was ~1month after hydroseed. After that it went downhill.
  10. Cool pic. I mow at 3.5-4" all the time. Doesn't seem to help much. The fert got soaked in with the rain we got last week, although is wasn't much (0.25"). I wish we could get into a pattern of some showers every few days. We haven't even had a Tstorm yet this season.
  11. Fertilized last week with Lescos. Thought about drilling separate well for irrigation, but it's a lot of money to have a green lawn. We also got some pretty lousy loam during the lawn install. I actually slit seeded last Sept and used high quality KBG, but it all died off after only getting to ~0.5" in height. I swear nothing grows on our hill except weeds. I mowed this past Sunday, but that will be it for awhile. The far right side actually has decent growth, but much of it is clover which I'm ok with since it acts as a natural fertilizer for grass. The rest might as well be a desert.
  12. So I'll just say our $10K lawn project last Fall looks terrible. Pic tells the tale.
  13. Maybe try more fiber Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk
  14. Swing and a miss on any rain Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk
  15. Does the lescos phase 2 have clover killer? Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk
  16. I told my wife to take a picture now cause it's the best the lawn will look all year. Only goes downhill from here.
  17. Anyone know what these lovely weeds are? Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk
  18. Hmm, Lesco guy told me to re-apply more of the dimension/pre-emergent stuff, presumably step 1 on memorial wknd. I basically put down the pre-emergent around 3.5 weeks ago. He said if I had any left to put it down this wknd. I do in fact have ~1/2 bag that I was going to spread out using a light setting. Should I skip this and go right to step 2? If so, has enough time elapsed (~3.5wks) between step 1 and 2 to put #2 down?
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