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Lava Rock

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Posts posted by Lava Rock

  1.  I have friends and family up north who share your concerns.  Speaks to the character of an individual who is rooting for devastating  flooding to occur.
    Seriously? There's a fee people here that cheer for the worst


  2. It's a weather forum and how many times has the expression all cold all the time come about. How the eff is anyone assuming the letter C meant that word.  
    I did, but I'm dirty

    Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk

  3. What I want to do is map each snowfall event for several years, forecast vs. obs and from that generate a bias map. ALY has done this already, and can see the spots they forecast too much or too little snow. 
    Ideally you could then stratify it between flow regime (e.g. SWFEs only), and create bias maps based on event type. Those could then be used back in the forecast process.
    That would be cool. Then I can better understand if all my mehing is justified

    Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk

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