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Lava Rock

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Posts posted by Lava Rock

  1. It's a weather forum and how many times has the expression all cold all the time come about. How the eff is anyone assuming the letter C meant that word.  
    I did, but I'm dirty

    Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk

  2. What I want to do is map each snowfall event for several years, forecast vs. obs and from that generate a bias map. ALY has done this already, and can see the spots they forecast too much or too little snow. 
    Ideally you could then stratify it between flow regime (e.g. SWFEs only), and create bias maps based on event type. Those could then be used back in the forecast process.
    That would be cool. Then I can better understand if all my mehing is justified

    Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk

  3. 59 minutes ago, dryslot said:

    I think he changes it when he changes his underwear which looks at least daily, But yeah, Its time to move on from winter, I have since the calendar changed to April, We had pretty much all bare ground other then some piles left on the northern sides until these last two systems but it will be gone by the weekend if not then over the weekend.

    monday looks cold and wet

  4. 3 minutes ago, alex said:

    Haha not personally... but renters certainly do! That house that the camera is on is a full time rental. I live on the same property, and I'm building a new house on the same lot. 

    In other news, it's dumping snow right now. Really low visibility. 

    dumping hard. enjoy

  5. 26 minutes ago, tunafish said:

    LOL @ OES right now in PWM in April while 200 miles west there's thunderstorms popping off.

    Watching it snow in my cube. this weather is just dumb

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