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Everything posted by IrishRob17

  1. And anyone who was buying 10:1 ratios even yesterday before the warming trend was going to be disappointed.
  2. Well that’s why you’re a slacker.
  3. I wonder what people do with all the extra time they gain in their life by not spelling out an entire word.
  4. We’ve been joking about that for years. I worked with a woman many years who actually thought the “extra sunlight” is why we have spring. I thought for sure she was messing with me but sadly she wasn’t but I digress. 1” at the stake this morning, probably down to patchy snow cover again by days end, after a low of only 33 up to 41 now.
  5. Agreed, I’ve have the same, 10/8. I always chuckle at the folks that are off by weeks if not further on the sun angles.
  6. Whiteout conditions there currently
  7. Did you go below freezing? The closest I came last night was 32 for a little bit. Tuesday was no joy either even at 5am.
  8. 19.6" on the season. We make fun of the sun angle, not to mention folks totally miscalculating it. I swear some think we have a July 4th angle by St Paddy's Day but I digress. I'm not shoveling that sleet off my unfrozen rock driveway, no way. I broke it up a but near where we walk so the shale is exposed and can absorb more of the sunlight to help it all melt. If this were December I'd be much more concerned about the potentially long term mess I'd have out there.
  9. The pouring sleet actually woke me up in the middle of the night. The Euro wants it to snow Aron d here Monday night into Tuesday morning, so we’ll see about that. I should have some time today to tally up my totals on the season.
  10. 1.4" of sleet, light drizzle now, 33. Will melt down what's in the Stratus when the precipitation stops.
  11. Definitely more sleet than I was expecting last night, 1.4" of it and it's a real bitch to relocate.
  12. And I don’t think you’re joking either! Thanks for the laugh Rich. Looks to be a true mixed bag up here tonight only to be washed away I’m guessing.
  13. So if you get the warm fuzzies it will actually be colder...noted.
  14. I'm a rail buff too, it's been quite a week for the Union Pacific up and over Donner Pass. Here is a link from Truckee which has less snow than further up the Pass, they are forecasted for only 1-2 feet in Truckee but possibly up to 5 more feet higher up: http://tahoetopia.com/webcam/downtown-truckee
  15. Warnings hoisted again for this weekend.
  16. The Euro looked like I may have got a touch colder? I didn't dive into it though. My pack is bullet proof.... I can't back that up. You laugh but that's why the tulips and daffodils bloom ya know! That's why we have this thread.
  17. Still snowing here. It’s not adding to the total at this point but it’s still falling
  18. Up to 6.7” as the light snow continues, 28/26
  19. 6.4” on the board with light snow here near Campbell Hall
  20. 6.4" on the board with light snow falling. 27/25
  21. Well considering that the trail doesn't go near there all signs point to 'no'
  22. I started paying attention the Total Positive Snow Depth Change maps, you have any thoughts on those besides snow maps suck?
  23. Here are some along the Appalachian Trail https://weathercarrot.smugmug.com/Weathercarrot-photos/AT-Snow-Maps/
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