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09-10 analogy

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Everything posted by 09-10 analogy

  1. I was up on ft Reno looking at the tor warned cell. Thought there was something of a wall cloud and I like to think I saw some tube like lowering but was probably just scud. Did not see any rotation but from my vantage that may not have been noticeable. Pretty ominous looking cloud regardless
  2. Not lamenting that the torrential rain didn’t show up
  3. Went up to ft Reno and looked over toward Bethesda. Definitely a shelf (?) cloud over Bethesda but no rotation as far as I could see. It’s a bit away and of course dark. Some low clouds scooting NE. If I put my imagination glasses on Ithought I might have seen a slight protuberance hanging down from the cloud but in all likelihood that was just interplay of city lights and low cloud or just an outright mirage. Nothing to sound hells bells about that’s for sure. But this was the closest tornado warning to upper NW for a (long?) while so figured it was worth a gander
  4. IIRC, the day of the college park F3 (and an “F4” in Virginia; I’ve never been convinced of that rating), it was pretty overcast most of the day. But I think the lee trough associated with that day really helped to ramp things up. Plus September 2001 was a pretty dystopian month around here anyway.
  5. Discrete cells overnight in April ... I dunno, that seems it would be rather ... anomalous for our region.
  6. I wonder how many daily rainfall records the three airports have broken in the past year or so.
  7. This is a neat little squall. Three T/L (make that four), lots of graupel, winds maybe 35-40 or so. I swore I saw a flake or two but probably just my imagination. Just hope it doesn’t last too long. Had a long date with the watervac and sump pump last night in the basement. Our daughter was on a sleepover so I thought Ms. Analogy and I could have a nice stress free night, catching up on “The Americans”. Didn’t quite work out that way. Usually don’t have to worry about seepage until we get in the 3-4” plus range. Must be the antecedent Conditions.
  8. Got quite windy but didn’t notice my friend TSTM making an appearance. Her accomplice TRW++ certainly had a long stay last year — maybe too long. A lot of people seemed to be getting sick of his schict and wanted more of a light and sound show; the open bar was just watered-down concoctions you could hardly call drinks, and so enraged the patrons they,d thrown them on the floor, making the carpet so sodden it had to be replaced in places. Still, hopefully TSTMS will get an extended stay this spring and summer, backed by a high-powered dBZ band. Her manager DSTBLZN has been known to show up too late in the day to get the deal signed, unfortunately. And RW++ wont chew up the scenery as much, we hope, this year. Maybe even a special guest surprise visit from TVS but he usually doesn’t tour out our way. Sometimes TOR is on the marquee but she rarely shows up in person and when she does it’s usually either a total disaster or such a brief walk-on you’re apt to lose sight of it since the overall TSTMS show is so rocking at that point. Plus her managers CAPE and SRH, when they do consider our area a venue (which they rarely do), can’t seem to agree on the same time so that TOR can really put on the kind of a**kicking +FC show that can be so dangerously majestic. Because once an +FC takes the stage, things get so rambunctious that some patrons leave the venue entirely and those that stay ... well they,re taking quite the risk. Which is why a successful booking of an +FC is so controversial. But for some people it’s the show of a lifetime, even better (if a bit riskier) than “Hamilton.”
  9. Planning a trip to northern NE this summer as well. Would like to hike Mt. Washington but that can be problematic even during high summer, I've read. Would also like to get to Baxter State Park and do Katahdin and then mix in Acadia, but I don't want to be pushing myself and trying to take in too much in the time I've got. Would love to go to Lake Champlain as well but that would definitely involve a lot of back and forthing.
  10. The quintessential 33 and rain event. I mean it’s just physically impossible to get any more 33/34 and rainish than last night in upper NW
  11. This has been a pretty good wind event but last March set a standard that’s gonna be tough to beat.
  12. I'm down with a St. Paddy's or 1999 redux. That would do it.
  13. Yeah the expectations were high and that might distort my thinking but in all fairness this has been a pretty solid winter for DC so far. A MECS, a SECS/mixfest today, the mid-November teaser, the all-day light event a while back, a few other shoestrings. Reached single digits on at least one night. I must not have been paying much attention to the ice last (?) week since it wasn't much here, but that seems to have been a pretty big deal to the north and west in terms of tree damage. So a little bit of everything, except an out-of-season severe event. (I'm thinking Feb 25 from a couple of years ago.)
  14. Pretty much a snow globe out there now. At least intermittently. Around 1115 or so I heard a few pingers and thought the mix was underway. But the snow is back with some authority. Measured 3.4" at 1030 or so EDIT: and almost as soon as I write this, I hear the ping-ping-ping from our warm-nose friend.
  15. Yeah I'm all in on a sleetfest. Loved Valentine's 2007. It's in my second tier of winter events (first tier being all the usual HECSy suspects.) If it's going to be 1-2" followed by a change I'd just as soon have it all sleet. Of course I got my MECS last month so I can afford to be a little flippant. Pun not really intended.
  16. We have a small kitchen so we stored the coffee maker when we got the Keurig. But when I'm on deadline, I power drink coffee and it's a pain in the neck to replace the pod and wait for the brew cycle rather than just pour and nuke. But if we put out the coffee maker there'd be little room left on the counter given all the other kitchen paraphernalia. Of course maybe we'll have an epic ice storm in a couple of days and render this first world problem moot.
  17. 1.4" in upper northwest DC. Another genuine outperformer. Not a bad week of winter at all, even though the "clipper" wasn't much around here.
  18. Steady snow in upper NW and everything is caving in Luray-special fashion. I imagine the main arterials such as Wisconsin are pretty messy now.
  19. Western sky is getting that lowering (semi-)ominous look you see with summertime lines. Yeah, that refreshed my memory of the 2015 squall: the duration of it. Must have kept going for 40 minutes or so.
  20. Any opinions on how this compares to the squall from February of (I think it was) 2015?
  21. Large flakes have been coming down for a few minutes now
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