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Everything posted by SomeguyfromTakomaPark

  1. skunks the entire 95 corridor up through NYC and boston, warm and not much snow.
  2. We will see but in pretty much all of the marginal events like this in recent memory without CAD it usually works to pick the warmer models.
  3. Still too warm for immediate metro but N/W with elevation this could be something. But red flag is the Euro is about 5 degrees warmer than the RAP at 12z. Euro has DC at 39 and RAP at 34.
  4. So all those EPIC h5 looks really have dried up? Or is the good pattern actually happening it's just not going to produce snow?
  5. Another nice day....feels springy in the sun.
  6. Kinda feels like we're outta time. Maybe the #epicpattern will surprise me but somehow I doubt it. We had a week of actual winter so I will give this year a minimum grade of B- regardless what else happens.
  7. I have always been a runner but got a peloton due to some unforeseen circumstances that arose that prevented me from running on certain days. I was so skeptical at first but peloton cycling is incredibly efficient, you can get a phenomenal workout in 30 minutes. Now I split peloton cycling and running and I’m fitter than I ever was when I ran exclusively.
  8. So in all seriousness, how is the pattern looking? I am seeing solidly positive 2m temp anamolies for Feb 14 on the 6z GEFS and the same thing from the 00z EPS at the end of its run. Are we still thinking this rolls into a better pattern for the second half of Feb or is it losing the progression altogether? I know the weeklies were still looking pretty good as of yesterday.
  9. The mojo in the long range thread is gone, no more epic pattern talk, +2m anomalies that never die. Getting close to “bring on the cherry blossoms”.
  10. So weird to see people in shorts and dining outside on january 26 in silver spring Maryland.
  11. The zoo would be a good spot to represent the top half of DC.
  12. You can finally see the strong positive 2m temp anomalies drying up at the end of the 6z GEFS. Hopefully by the 2nd week of February we are tracking again.
  13. I'm just glad we are not seeing a can kick, GEFS and EPS at the end of their runs are rolling to a better pattern.
  14. We need one of those beautiful satellite pics showing the snow cover
  15. Def the most winter day in years, 21 degrees with wind and occasional blowing snow.
  16. I’ll tell you what didn’t struggle lol. Whatever model was on fox showing 3-5 when all the good models had dried up, what was that, the GRAF?
  17. I think the big one is gonna drop down on silver spring
  18. Paging @jonjon @nj2va you guys have a lotta experience up in the mountains. Tomorrow I could go ski up at whitegrass in Canaan valley, you think driving up there tomorrow morning in a 4wd crv with just regular tires (not snow tires) would be ok?
  19. It looks like they’ve already cleared the mountains
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