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Everything posted by RUNNAWAYICEBERG

  1. No reason to waste the cold. Let it bottle up in Canada until it’s time. Great day out there today, get after whatever it is you need to get.
  2. Wizzy doesn’t like the cold, it make its hair frizzy.
  3. Would be a sweet look 30+ days from now with longer wavelengths.
  4. Stay away from applying chemicals on the pups. I work in the chemical industry, trust me...don’t do it if you don’t have to. Cedar oil and other essential oils do the job. My wife makes a blend, PM me and I’ll give you the ingredients.
  5. Lots of troughs in AK as we head into Novie but there is ridging off the western coastline so could be back and forth.
  6. A windy fropa to his fanny, very wintery like.
  7. Around 600. I’m like 3/4 of the way up that hill on 84 between exit 15 and 16. I think the highest the hill gets is around 850.
  8. Is there any correlation to a -nao October and how the ensuing winter behaves in that region?
  9. Nevermind, I see it now. CFS, fwiw, looks good JFM with Feb as the best month.
  10. Ah ok. I didn’t think he thought it was a warm look either...but I kinda thought it was, at least average. How can you tell?
  11. I think he means being under a big cold and thus dry dome is useless...plains and GL can have it.
  12. Here’s a toast to more tucky tucky tracks this cold season
  13. That sucks hopefully you have a genny or favorable in-laws you can visit.
  14. You’re a good soul. We need more like you but ones who can gather themselves quicker in the morning so they aren’t running late...but just the thought in itself, is a good deed.
  15. Remember folks, it’s not over yet. HWW in effect for many today. Remain on guard and ready to help others in any way you can. We can do this.
  16. Some kids stuff on the patio shifted overnight but we hung in there. Not even any school delays to help us get up and moving this morning but we’ll collect ourselves somehow.
  17. You want ideal conditions for hitting and that’s the only way they can pull it off. Raw, rainy, windy night is conducive for pitching...favors Astros.
  18. Dryslot races in tonight though so it’s over around midnight give or take but an 8hour window should get us there.
  19. 2-3” is on target but radar looks like high end may verify.
  20. I dunno those backside winds are often just standard take the leaves down variety for wct. I don’t recall a damaging wind event from a dry w/nw flow. Do you?
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