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Hurricane Agnes

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Everything posted by Hurricane Agnes

  1. The city will be shutting down "non-essential" businesses and services at 5 pm today so it gets worse.
  2. I was gonna post something about this. The ultimate insult - the winter of azz leading to the unthinkable and unprecedented. I felt the pain that I know you guys are going through right now (especially right when the Flyers were on a hot streak). And now the immediate Philly 'burbs are about to lose their state stores by Tuesday (expect the rest of them across the state will go dark eventually too). Stay safe everyone but can maybe track some storms - might even be an early 'cane season too! CPC is predicting ENSO-neutral at the moment (and that tends to result in an enhanced number of storms based on past data during ENSO-neutral years) - https://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/analysis_monitoring/enso_advisory/ensodisc.html
  3. Hit 70 just after 2 pm today after a low of 37 this morning (high yesterday was 58 with a low of 29). Currently 70 and clear with lots of blue sky. It's like an early May day.
  4. Still a cold rain here and have 0.12" so far. The temp has been creeping down and is at 40. High was 43 today.
  5. There was a gap over the southern part of the line. North of you the line seems to still be intact! There's also a cell just north of DIX.
  6. A spotter in Delaware County reported a 60 mph wind gust.
  7. Didn't seem to have any detectable lightning or thunder with it but the winds were tight and strong. You'll hear them if that line holds together.
  8. That was like a gust front and then it was gone. Picked up 0.23" of rain (highest rate was 0.64"/hr) so far, although there is still some light rain behind it that may add to that.
  9. Wow. Am under the line and the wind is whipping up something fierce! Currently 53 and heavy rain and wind.
  10. Mt. Holly lofted a Severe Thunderstorm Warning for parts of the area -
  11. Made it up to a high of 43 yesterday and bottomed out at 31 this morning but the warm up is underway with the SWerly flow. Already up to 47 with cirrus overhead.
  12. Might as well kick off meteorological spring with a soon-to-be-transient arctic air mass overhead. Bottomed out here this morning at 26 and it's currently 27 and clear but breezy. Dews are relative dry in the low teens around this area (mine is 13F).
  13. Getting flakeage here. Temp is 38. Figured something might be coming when sky suddenly clouded over.
  14. I have an air purifier running in my bedroom (that also serves for "white noise") so it takes some significant lightning flashes and thunder to wake me from a deep sleep (although it has happened before)!
  15. My 2-day event total, with the heaviest rain between 11 pm last night and 2 am this morning, was 0.57" (0.25" Wed. + 0.32" today). Appears my high for today was at midnight and was 46. Currently 40 and windy as heck with lots of cumulus and stratocumulus. Was able to capture when a thin convective line came through just before 2 am (was out like a light so don't know if there was any lightning/thunder with it)...
  16. What distinguishes this winter from 01 - 02 was that right after 9/11, the precip. just about shut off (which was helpful for NYC and their long arduous cleanup of Ground Zero through that winter). But then that put our area in an extreme drought - and that was during the wintertime! And the lack of precipitation continued through spring, which resulted in extended and often excessive heat during that summer of '02 (where dry begat dry). And by late August 2002, the CWA was in horrible shape!! Compare to the current conditions - So as long as the precip faucet is flowing like it is now (vs what happened back almost 20 years ago), it won't really be the same... Seems it's closer to 2011/2012 (at least where I am based on what fell so far).
  17. Made it to 60 here as well around 1 pm and had a low of 29. Currently overcast and 52.
  18. Had a low of 19 just before sunrise and it just got to freezing about an hour ago. Currently 33 and clear with pristine blue skies. You can feel the sun warmth though.
  19. Looked out this morning after a low of 19 and my crocuses are blooming and it didn't even phase them.
  20. I believe it. And what was also bad were the grooming tractor ruts on the sides of the slopes that had melted and then frozen into mini concrete-like pillars that you sure didn't want to slide into. My only other trip up to the Poconos was the following year to Tamiment Resort (which was north of Bushkill Falls) in January for a senior class trip, and it rained the whole weekend with temps in the 40s and lots of fog. They did have an enclosed ice rink at that time that my classmates checked out, but all-in-all, that January was a winter FAIL (although the big snow did come the next month).
  21. My high just barely hit 32 (31.8) yesterday and my low for today (so far) was at midnight at 26. Did make it up to 47. Currently 43 and partly cloudy. That's where I went on my first ski trip back in high school... I think in 1978. The one issue we ran into on the trip that day was that despite a decent snowpack, the temps were above freezing (may have been the low 40s), so right when you were getting off the lift, the snow at the jump-off point had melted a bit and packed down, becoming a glacier with water on top. So as skiers hopped off the lift, they immediately slipped and fell and they had to stop the lift each time.
  22. But then he usually (maybe once a week) would do a pun-filled forecast too. In fact, the Centre Daily Times (from Centre County PA) had an interview with him a little over 7 years ago where he shared one of his favorite (and then "once a year") forecasts - https://www.centredaily.com/living/article42810012.html
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