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Everything posted by magpiemaniac

  1. I’m a fan. I’ve had one since late December. Like all stations, it has its pros and cons. For example, the haptic rain sensor will not be accurate with a layer of ice on top, but that’s to be expected. It’s easy to set up, otherwise accurate, and gets more accurate the longer you own it.
  2. I’m gonna change my profile location to International Fails, NC.
  3. It’s 32.7 right now. Very little ice has melted.
  4. Let me guess. You’re moving to Amarillo before the end of the month.
  5. I’m at 32.2 with no obvious melting...yet. Tim Buckley thinks that if minimal melting occurs and we get a slight additional glazing tonight, it could mean outage trouble. There’s no way I’m getting much more than I already have, but I think you’re right. Duke isn’t sending linemen home anytime soon.
  6. The first rule of the Southeastern Snow Club is to never talk about southeastern snow.
  7. This is my current forecast from RAH. It’s in major need of revision.
  8. Friday, February 26 looks incredible on the 12z GFS. And it pisses me off to no end that it really won’t happen.
  9. I’m still at 31.8 for some reason. Very light rain. Absolutely no wind.
  10. Of course, I’m not complaining about lack out outages, but it’s astonishing just how inaccurate short term forecasts seem to be lately. Can’t even get wind estimates anywhere close. Only weather models and baseball players can get away with such low success percentages.
  11. I’m at 2 mph from the east. Not what was forecasted.
  12. Where’s the wind that was forecasted? There’s enough wet soil and ice on trees to cause problems unless winds stay calm.
  13. 31.5 with light rain here. Plenty of ice on the trees, but I’m beginning to think that last weekend helped cull the weakest limbs. Not a single flicker of power.
  14. What’s Forsyth doing? Chopping down power poles for firewood?
  15. Abilene, Abilene Snowiest town I’ve ever seen The weather models don’t treat you mean In Abilene, my Abilene
  16. Last weekend’s storm was poopooed by RAH for the most part and some ended up not having power for days. Today’s event had watches and warnings well in advance and it’s looking to be a ho-hum nuisance event. It’s the weather. None of us know what we’re doing. The Wichita lineman is heading back to Kansas.
  17. 30.7 currently with light freezing rain. Ice on vegetation, but trees don’t look too stressed.
  18. Lest we forget, the Triad is expected to have up to 25 mph gusts in the morning and through tomorrow afternoon. So the damage effect of 0.25” of ice with those winds is about the same as 0.50” of ice with calm winds. We’re turning our backs to the supposedly dead villain when he could easily pop up and attack again.
  19. IMBY, the HRRR indicates that once the cold are gets in here around 5:00 AM, it stays below freezing through late Thursday afternoon. Dumps at least 0.60” of QPF during that time. Unless things change, the north half of the Triad and southern Virginia aren’t out of the woods just yet.
  20. I wouldn’t dump them just yet. We will get some ice overnight and in the morning. Just not apocalyptic ice.
  21. My temp is being stubborn. RAH forecast had me at 33 by now.
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