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Mount Joy Snowman

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Everything posted by Mount Joy Snowman

  1. To the bolded part above, you can't be serious?? Conspiracy theory much? If anything, many moons back when the NCEI did some clean-up of its data and monitoring sites, a disproportionate number of cooler weather and/or higher elevation sites were removed. Furthermore, hardly any official climate stations change their location (Harrisburg's history notwithstanding ha) and are far more likely to be impacted by build-up around the sites and increased UHI than they are anything to do with equipment changes and whatnot. I've been giving you the benefit of the doubt because I don't like seeing anyone banned or any posts disallowed, but c'mon guy. I'm a free speech absolutist but quit the trolling. Edit: Since it is not clear, I am referring to his statement "They do this all the time. Move the station to a cooler location to hide the incline. Change the equipment or time of observations to hide the incline. It's just not working anymore."
  2. As you know, I have already guaranteed a final monthly temp of 44.5. In all seriousness, the period around T-giving came in a little warmer than forecasted, so I'm upping my prediction to 44.6-44.7. Waffling on which one to go with, but I'll say 44.6. Hoping Thursday doesn't bust too high. In any case, these next couple of days will do a number on the average, and you will get your BN. It has been decreed.
  3. Low of 32 and walked through some decent flurries on the way to work here in Harrisburg. I echo the sentiments of others, in that I have absolutely no issue whatsoever with @ChescoWx posting in this forum. I mean, the guy usually posts once a day for crying out loud, in which he gives a nice concise forecast and summarizes his daily observations. No harm in that. You may quibble with him on his record keeping as it pertains to past comparisons, and that's fine, but the guy is harmless and sometimes posts useful data. The more the merrier, within reason ha. Oh yeah, national high was only 82 at Ochopee, FL. Of course, the low was at Peter Sinks, checking in with a cool -31.
  4. Low of 27 here. Looks like a good number of snow showers should be across the northwestern tier in the coming days.
  5. Thought the boys played very well last night. Obviously left some points on the field in the first half but overall a dominant performance against an admittedly shaky MSU team ha. This defense is just….whew boy, they come at you in waves.
  6. Putting my feet to the fire; I like it! MJS performs best under pressure! *whispers* I'll stop talking in third person now Back to business. The last couple of days of the month are still pretty far out so tough to get an exact read on, but I'm going with temps a little cooler than what some of the long-range commercial forecasts are currently showing. All in all, I calculated a final nine-day average temp of 38.6, which would be good for a negative 2.5 degree departure off the current average temp of 47.0. Put it all together, and I'm predicting a final mean monthly temp of 44.5, a few tenths below the climate normal period average and a few tenths above the entire period of record average. Put simply, can't get much more of an average November than that. Book it.
  7. Two things I took from this storm, with both being things we all agree on and hope to carry forward through the winter season, are that it was modeled extremely well and was a bit of an over-performer.
  8. 1.85” here but I have a feeling my automated gauge under-measured a bit. I bet my cylinder gauge captured more but I’ll never know because it got knocked over into my fire pit, presumably by a dog or a child. Why? Because my lazy ass still hasn’t found a permanent home on which to affix it. So, into the books goes 1.85”.
  9. Add me to the confirmation list. Went out for lunch with the fellas and was colder and just generally more miserable than I expected. What did they say our high should be today, because man it sure doesn't feel like we're getting there. Although I guess this is one of those scenarios where the temp rises after sundown due to WAA being more potent than diurnal drops.
  10. Can confirm I walked through a sleet shower on the way into work here in Harrisburg ~7:15. Enthralling stuff.
  11. Stunning sunrise this morning. Looking extra special along the river while peering out a dirty train window ha.
  12. Low of 28 here. A nice much-needed inch-plus drenching in store for most of the forum tomorrow. National high of 90 at Rio Grande Village, TX and 3 at Mount Washington, NH. MDT running 1.1 AN for the month; should be able to peck away at that over the next ten days. Happy T-giving week, all. Get those turkeys thawing!
  13. Back from camping at Penn State and have .06” in the gauge. About what I was expecting. Looks like some more impressive totals on the way for Tuesday.
  14. Don’t forget the greatest Ego tool of all — the extendable pole saw. A must-have for any property with lots of trees. Up here in the camper outside of State College and the air is certainly changing. Should be a nice crisp blustery mid-November day. Almost time for some orange crushes.
  15. Indeed it does. The curious part is why mine seems to warm a bit more than those immediately surrounding me haha. As for Mount Joy, right you are about the build-up. I’m actually not in Mount Joy. My last house was in West Hempfield but at least had a Mt. Joy address. My current house is still in West Hempfield but I now have a Lancaster address and sit basically equidistance between Lancaster and Mt. Joy. I’m just too lazy to change my name on here and have come to like the MJS moniker ha. I’ve said too much. Time for bed. Zzzzzzzzzz
  16. Thanks, all. I did see a couple other WU stations around me in the 70-72 range but they are the ones that consistently run a little high. Most were in that 65-68ish range. I guess it’s not too far-fetched. Maybe I’m in a bit of a warm spot over here in my new location too. Nothing about it would really suggest that but anything’s possible.
  17. Did anyone else hit 70? Because I did according to my sometimes questionable station ha.
  18. I've been impressed by the relative coolness of your temps lately. The Canderson hotbox seems to be taking a hiatus.
  19. Low of 35 here. Should be a 'beaut today and most of tomorrow, which unfortunately looks like very little rain for us down this way. We are heading up to State College with the kids tomorrow and should see a good bit more up there. Of note, the national high the last couple of days has been below 90. You know what that means........#WinterIsComing
  20. Yeah I think you're right Jonesy. Here is what I have in my notes for 11/15/18, with an added tidbit about T-giving day..... An over-performing storm held on as mostly snow, causing havoc during midday commute. The most accidents I've ever seen in LanCo. Worse NW with 8" Harrisburg & 11" State College. Coldest Thanksgiving day (11/22) ever for most PA locations.
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