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Everything posted by TimB

  1. What I missed in that is, you bought tickets to another game after that Lions debacle? Are we talking about the home playoff game we’ll get after we beat the Titans, Chiefs, Browns and Ravens to win a division title?
  2. I can get these guys to bullshit about sports all spring, summer, fall, and winterless winter long. Case in point: So replace one hobby that is 1% triumphs and 99% kicks to the nuts with another hobby that is 1% triumphs and 99% kicks to the nuts. Got it.
  3. I’m still trying to get to that point, is there a 12 step program for recovering snow addicts?
  4. Our thread is dead and that says everything we need to know about what has transpired so far this winter, unfortunately.
  5. 12z GFS has high pressure pushing the storm early next week way south.
  6. We got the ball to start the second half, but a 2 yard run, incomplete pass, and sack on 3rd down leads to a 3 and out. And yinz know what that means!
  7. Count me in. That heat wave was fun to track.
  8. You forgot to tag someone who might be interested in that…
  9. Back end of the ensembles did improve some at 12z, for those looking for better news.
  10. Since this is a glorified sports thread, I’ll bite. You have high hopes for the Steelers, or Cowboys, or Eagles, or whoever when the season starts. But then they lose the opener. You think “oh well, plenty of time to turn it around.” Then Week 2 rolls around and they lose again. Oh shit, this doesn’t look good. Hopefully some major adjustments happen in Week 3. But Week 3 rolls around and they’re down 17-7 at the half. That’s about where things stand right now wx wise. Hopefully the halftime adjustments are good.
  11. Of course there will be. I don’t believe that anyone finishes the winter with single digit snow totals or anything like that. We’re still a month or so from optimal climo. It probably won’t be like last winter and I’ve accepted that.
  12. I really do think it will and hope it will, but have braced myself for the nonzero chance that it won’t. That’s all I’m saying.
  13. 0z CMC Ensemble at 384: 0z GFS Ensemble at 384: If I squint long enough at the GFS one it kinda looks like maybe it could be more favorable.
  14. I’ll believe it when we can go a day without seeing 60s in the long term on a GFS run.
  15. That’s the thing. This could be like ‘15-‘16 and turn around with the new year, but it could just as easily be like ‘19-‘20.
  16. Hadn’t gotten to the Euro yet. Love it! Warm tongue definitely makes it a snow to rain to snow scenario verbatim, but nothing we haven’t seen around these parts.
  17. The fact that it wasn’t mentioned again in here can’t be good.
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