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Everything posted by SnowenOutThere

  1. No one cares about this storm succeeding if it messes up the big one, but is nice to see a good run.
  2. And only 10-1 ratios, probably closer to 6 inches for DC
  3. Northern and southern energy phased from 90-102 similar to 0z's run.
  4. Looks pretty much the same on 5400 vorticity through hour 84, maybe a little further north with the surface precipitation maps.
  5. I think we can all agree that the GEFS should not be used for this storm.
  6. A little over 2.5 inches of snow now heavy sleet with a temp of 24 degrees.
  7. Just went for a small Jebwalk, about to go on a more extended one before it gets dark. Nice heavy dump of snow coming down.
  8. My little weather station has winds out the north/northwest and from looking outside the snow falling is being blown from north to south, lets keep the cold air in!
  9. Hard to see how icing doesn’t over perform out west of DC, temp still 21 has not budged since 1pm. I understand that when the winds shift we warm up quick but I don’t see us gain 11 degrees in 5 hours to switch to rain, that’s over 2 degrees an hour.
  10. Temperature (knock on wood) has held steady at 21 degrees since around 1pm or when the snow started falling. Starting to think we could see a pretty serious ice storm later today or maybe we go full weenie mode and say we get a lot more snow.
  11. So nice out, around .5 of an inch of snow. Still around 21 degrees.
  12. I know, reminds me of some of my early memories of one of the 2009-2010 winter storms. Just feels like this should be a big MECS or HECS with the snow sticking to everything and the temps in the low 20s but alas it is not meant to be.
  13. When is the NAM's wheelhouse cause this is its 18z run for 3pm. Lol
  14. Still 21 degrees outside, very heavy snow but unfortunately small flakes. Around .5 of an inch on the ground. Roads caved, even treated ones.
  15. When’s the last time that the roads became white before the grass? Feels like a major snowstorm is just starting.
  16. Went for a bike ride when the snow started, very cold and temp has dropped from 23 to 21 since snow had started. Snow is also starting to pick up in intensity.
  17. So the Hrrr has me get 4 inches of snow and sleet along with over .3 inches of freezing rain. #lockitin
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