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Everything posted by winterwarlock

  1. I'm you boogie man that's what I am
  2. and people here root for this stuff...also rain knocked out the balloons at the NJ Festival yet again...this morning launch and nightime launch plus I think KC and Sunshine concert cancelled
  3. in the last 38 days, its rained on 23 of them and I have 10.18 inches during that period...awful
  4. Well looks like im wrong Another day another deluge Tired of rainy spoiling the summer during most of the month Weve had enough...lets dry heat roast from mid August to mid October Why would anyone want threat of rain almost every weekend this summer except last week
  5. my guess is the much talked about hyped event doesnt materialize
  6. hurray I get my heatwave..hit 90
  7. im usually with you but this has been unimpressive and also getting storms last night and this morning wasnt well forecasted was it
  8. trying to get there...up to 89 as its totally cleared all of a sudden and look like the dews dropped somewhat
  9. looks like I will not even get to an official heatwave...what a failure 18 90 plus days for the year and two official heatwaves of 4 day each thus far
  10. Ive had 2 seperate showers in the past hour. The first was pretty heavy What is going on
  11. Belle Mead NJ, just north of Princeton
  12. great just what I need. another 1-2 inches of dumping deluge
  13. wot wot, why am i hearing thunder
  14. we are at 93/101 so its performing but late in the day
  15. Agree..supposedly this was going to be the worst day with highs in mid 90s with heat index in mid 100s but its a tually gorgeous with deep blue skies a rarity this year light breeze and still not even 90. It was pretty humid this morning but lessened toward noon. Can anyone explain why we are less oppressive today than yesterday's blast furnace mostly cloudy heat. I topped at 92/106. Is tomorrow a beach day? Will the storms not reach the coast til after 6? Would rather go tomorrow rather than Sunday because I fear a cloudy period after frontal passages even if the morningg starts out blue and sunny
  16. 91 with heat index of 104. Got into a batch of mostly clouds that kept the temp at bay but now sun out and off to the races, how high will the heat index get.
  17. They always overhype events modelled a week in advance and blow the ones that were barely in the forecast
  18. Sheets of rain and wind but looks like the worst of that storm will pass to my northwest Still that was quite a cloud i saw
  19. Nasty cloud deck..looks tornadic by me..what do i know
  20. We are managing...beats last year no money But the weekend is dry and some big heat on the way starting Wednesday with fairly dry weather the next 7-10 days
  21. Looks like the forecast will bust badly
  22. Why the heck is rain now in the forecast for Wednesday Models truly blow
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