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Everything posted by NotSureWeather

  1. Love this forum. Two days ago winter was cancelled, today we are all happy thinking the models won’t lie again. What a fun hobby.
  2. Been more salt on the ground than snow this year.
  3. This forum definitely controls the weather. Everyone should just stop posting until we get the weather we want.
  4. The GFS goes out to Feb 3 on TT and basically every two days something is approaching this area. We gotta score something out of this pattern.
  5. CC isn’t real tho… I live in New Bedford and I know for a fact it snowed more and earlier than it does now. I remember it snowing in November somewhat frequently, and in December frequently.
  6. I mean I don’t have any proof for what I’m saying. I do think models might have issues with CC though. It’s a variable that I’m not sure is compensated for well. I mean just last week a storm over performed for a lot of people. It’s not completely ridiculous to imagine a computer not being able to predict the future correctly. edit: beer.
  7. This winter has been absolutely loose butthole man. I do have a feeling this storm over performs though. As my name suggests I don’t really know a ton about weather. I do know that a lot of members in here have noted how odd this system is. The uncertainty definitely creates a situation where busts are more likely. Literally have no meteorological education. Just speaking from watching storms since I was a kid.
  8. Half weather forum, half psychiatric ward, but all entertaining.
  9. Nah he’s sober for like 30 years or something, but he used to be wild.
  10. It means nothing but my grandpa was telling me we are gonna get a huge snowstorm this year. He’s old and definitely just making things up, but I can hope he’s right, right?
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