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Everything posted by NotSureWeather

  1. Models are just as much all over the place as the people who post here. Both are equally entertaining and stressful.
  2. So be cause it will be snowing so hard and winds coming down the surface doesn’t really matter? Cause it still says a high of 45 for Tuesday here.
  3. What are the chances I see any snow in New Bedford? Seems like it’s gonna be just rain and wind down here.
  4. This winter has been bad, I know, but how do you get negative six inches?
  5. Yay 3 inches! Biggest storm of the year! Thank god I go back to work soon. This winter has been tiring.
  6. It’s not about the snow we lost guys, but the friends we made (or lost) along the way.
  7. Wind just picked up a bit. Could here pings on the window too.
  8. Feel like radar has said it’s snowing for about 2 hours almost but looking out the window I see nothing.
  9. I know right? People are acting like it hasn’t snowed all winter.
  10. Storm threads should have a specific tag that needs mod approval before it can be posted. Unless it’s a met or maybe a few of the hobbyists here that know their stuff. Edit: No hate on anyone, I mean look at my username. Maybe not everyone should have the right to start a storm thread. That’s all I’m saying.
  11. Feel like most of the board would be happy with a foot. Anything after that is just icing, of the cake variety.
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