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Everything posted by IronTy

  1. 32F and I have some sprinkles down here in Lusby so you can cross off rain observation from SE Maryland. Or I'll report back when the heavy rain starts.
  2. Wtf am I literally going to be 50 degrees on Thursday!? Burn it all down, can't we just permanently shift to warm climate at this point? At least I could BBQ comfortably then.
  3. If you're gonna fail, you might as well fail big. I'd be happy to see a severe thunderstorm warning at this point. Or maybe a winter derecho with 8000j/kg?
  4. 35F in huntingtown. Watches are up. Flood watches, that is. #TheBeatGoesOn
  5. Brothers in arms. I'm gonna make sure my sump pump works tonight, just so I'm ready.
  6. Easy as long as it includes rain totals as well. I'm expecting an easy 2-3" of rainfall accumulation down here. If I squint really hard I think I can convince myself that the puddles are ice or sleet.
  7. I think the storm was already deep-sixed when somebody mentioned knickerbocker early in the model evolution.
  8. I don't feel so depressed anymore, seems like most are getting a screwjob on this storm... And there are still a few model runs for things to get even worse before it starts. Might as well pile on with the annual rain totals for 2020 though, if there's any silver lining to be found.
  9. Well in keeping with 2020 at least we get the most rain in SoMD. Maybe we can squeak out 100" for the year.
  10. Couple more runs and the low will be over the chesapeake. Will that at least make the rain more wind driven? Maybe we can at least lose power to make it a bit more exciting.
  11. That worked out for me once for that cold storm back in like 2005. Other than that it never seems to materialize.
  12. I'm looking to buy about 100ac in Garrett county and build a small log cabin on it in the next 3-4 years. Once that happens I'll be heading up there in my NSX two days before every snow and then be stuck there for days waiting for the snow to clear before I can make it back home to the tropics in Calvert.
  13. This storm has bust written all over it. Heck I probably won't even get an inch of rain. Wood frogs were calling yesterday at my house, they think it's March already.
  14. It's just a setup for let down every time. Glad I already checked in with the reaper. The only way to achieve emptiness is to let go of all hope.
  15. Ugh that GFS shift north is brutal. I better stay away from any more model surfing.
  16. 12Z EPS shows Calvert County a litte love, I'll take it and pray to the wraparound Gods as well.
  17. It's showing me on the 0.5-1" line. I hate the Euro.
  18. A fair number of those members hit Calvert County thank you very much.
  19. Weather forums are the best at platitudes
  20. I still hate the euro. All I'm asking is for a 30mi SE jog on that snow line.
  21. Relax guys, it's just the weather. We're all in this together.
  22. OH SNAP! I stand corrected!!! They didn't update the frame for the snow totals LOL. Carry on, nothing to see here. Still 00Z on the total snows - back to refreshing my screen.
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