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MN Transplant

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Posts posted by MN Transplant

  1. 21 minutes ago, WxUSAF said:

    Seems like there’s been bouncing around with whether that cut off gets shunted south or stalls near us. Today guidance says south. Tune in at 0z for the next change!

    The Euro output in upstate SC is something.  

    Here’s hoping tomorrow pans out for many of us.

    • Like 1
  2. 48 minutes ago, Deck Pic said:


    June will be around -1.5 after today.

    With the pattern next week, we are likely looking at a negative May and June departure.  Very refreshing.  Hopefully we can keep that rolling and have a 2004-like summer.

    • Like 4
  3. 29 minutes ago, BlizzardNole said:

    Ran the sprinklers for the garden beds; grass will have to just go dormant.  I've accepted that this will be an extreme drought summer

    I let my grass go dormant last summer.  A lot of it didn’t come back.  Still not going to water.

  4. 16 minutes ago, NorthArlington101 said:

    Feels like things have gotten worse again in the last 90 based on visibility out my window in Courthouse.

    This has to be the current front runner for Weather Event of the Year (WEY) in these parts, right? Decent duration, high unusuality score, top story everywhere….

    edit: maybe the darkness is more this than the smoke

    Actually had a few sprinkles from that.  Problem is that the air quality is worse on the east side and it is moving west.

    • Like 1
  5. 10 minutes ago, pazzo83 said:

    is this smoke causing the dewpoints to be so low?  low 40s here - that's pretty low for June


    More so the northerly flow.  The gulf has not been open this year.

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  6. 3 minutes ago, H2O said:

    This is when I'm glad to be retired and not have to be out working in this.  A day breathing in this crap all day and it will be like if I crushed 2 packs of Pall Malls.


    Only side benefit from this is the cool air.  Usually the bad AQ days are when we are expected to get to the 90s-100s

    I’ve seen a lot of people with masks, which makes sense.  Driving into work felt like I was in 1970s LA.

    • Like 1
  7. 36 minutes ago, H2O said:

    Air is just awful this morning. Hazy, smells and can tell it’s gross

    It really just hits you immediately upon going outside.  This is as bad as I can recall.

  8. Here's some fun science for you.  Top and bottom images below are from this morning in Quebec.  You can clearly see the fires to the west of the cloud cover in the top image.  Two hours later you can see that a field of small cumulus clouds have developed only in the fresh smoky areas.  It is very likely that the soot is acting as cloud condensation nuclei to help the cloud development.  This is a different process from fire-related pyrocumulus which have the additional impact of the heat created by the fires.


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  9. 1 hour ago, mattie g said:

    Agreed, but that's just a dumb stat. No?

    At this time of year, the average precip at BWI is 0.14", so I'm sure Tom T was just waiting for the day where we finally fell behind.  If he phrased the Tweet as simply year-to-date instead of a particular number of days, it wouldn't have seemed as arbitrary.

  10. 10 hours ago, mattie g said:


    A record for the first 156 days of the year?

    That's like some random baseball statistic about how well a left-handed pitcher throws against righties in the second game of a three-game series with two outs in the seventh inning and a man on first base.

    You have too much invested in being anti-drought. ;)  

    The fact that it is the driest year to date at any point into the growing season is very notable.

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