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Everything posted by Prospero

  1. Banter - OK. This forum is mostly male. Have I seen a female storm chaser? No, but I am sure there are many. Look, we males love storms. One could analyze my mind... I desire to be in the eye and eye wall of every hurricane. Why? I don't know. The wind, the rain, the excitement, the terror. Just want to be there, always, every one. I desire to watch every tornado, watch it grow, get bigger, envy it. Taking photos and video I can share, but no desire to be in one. Except, granted my death wish is to die in a tornado which is a recurring dream where I am clinging my fingers into the ground as I watch a massive tornado approach me with no escape and pick me up and fling me into the funnel and spit me out free-falling to the ground knowing this is the end. What a thrill! Seriously. I see it approaching on the way, knowing I will die. Loving every second... I am sure the tornado fantasy/dream my entire life was from watching Wizard of Oz when I was very little, but maybe my own subconscious fear and sense of awe of the power my own penis has had over too many decisions in my life! (I've never seen a tornado but experience being in one a few times a year in dreams). LOL Honestly now at 60 years old and previous prostate cancer, the above statement is ridiculous to me, but hey, whatever. I am programmed from very young. Now hurricanes, I never fear of death or dying, but I so want to be in the eye of every one. Just for the warm wet pounding winds and overwhelming storm surges? Fear? Yes. Excitement? Yes, but dying, never. I just want more, and more. Yea, I know...what the Hell? TMI...
  2. Really? That dude is salivating for GOM Cat 5 more than anyone here. The reality is it will just become a formidable major hurricane again. Not wishcasting, just based on environmental influences here. This is really just dumb. GOL is a good poster. I thought "ghost..." was trolling new poster Moderately Unstable who has good posts. He's better than me who is a poor poster yet with passion. But me being new, this season I think (times so flies), "ghost of leroy" pops up a bit and I've been trolled. Of course we all want Cat 5 storms every spin, but that is our nature but we cannot really say that. We really DO care about lives and costs. But really, secretly in our minds we all want the biggest storm ever on every spin. Just who we are.
  3. Beware the ghost of leroy! A high-end experienced troll who may very well be paid a lot of money to add fire to this forum (and how knows how many more, and a possible professional troll)! Not an idiot, which makes him more effective. But a sh*t stirrer by trade, and good at it. LOL Welcome to this forum!
  4. Maybe it is my age, maybe my Freudian nature by birth, maybe my basic primitive artistic vision of triangles and phallic images everywhere I look. But yea, Delta seems female to me. I do have some very good friends who would be eager to put me in my proper and deserved place... But I'd still see what I see.
  5. I've never seen a year when the spaghetti plots were so focused on LA (or anywhere else) and hit on target a few days out.
  6. Alpha/Beta, that's a relationship concept, equally both ways. Gamma, who the f*** knows. Delta, I'd lean feminine, only from the visual I have. To be honest, I'm waiting for Hurricane Pi to kick some serious ass whether people call it male or female!
  7. This is 2020, keep coming back, we'll see prophets of the end of the season, and those who predict 4s and 5s. Ultimately the final truth will laugh at us all.
  8. Nowhere fun to stay after the storms...
  9. Until the last moments anyway...
  10. Nothing like banging an already bruised shin. Ouch. Better than banging the other one I guess...
  11. The spaghetti plots are inching westward. http://flhurricane.com/modelanimator.php?storm=26&year=2020&title=26
  12. Looks like power is back on at The Hard Rock. I've been eager to see the surf. Doesn't appear to be very high. https://www.hrhcancun.com/webcam.htm
  13. Was watching three hours ago when the eye moved over land, so another three hours it should be back over water. Edited: It may actually be a lot closer to moving over the water than I thought...maybe an hour.
  14. Was enjoyable watching Reed Timmer's live feeds this morning while they beat up their rental car. https://www.facebook.com/reedtimmer2.0/ "They dodged a bullet" kind of says it all in their last feed.
  15. Active live feed: Sounds like their rental car has a bit of damage from bulldozing down palms! Edited for new feed...
  16. It appears the eye went directly over Puerto Moreles. Winds are picking up now.
  17. Looks like Cancun is moving into the eye now. Peak gust was 106.
  18. Webcam at the Hard Rock is live. Power is still on, hard to see much but the rain whipping by: https://www.hrhcancun.com/webcam.htm
  19. Similar in size to Hurricane Charlie:
  20. This is just strange. Delta and Gamma:
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